40- (Young) Lucius Malfoy

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REQUESTED BY: unknown_2810isa

This chapter takes place during Chamber of Secrets with flashbacks to when Lucius and Y/n were a couple during their time in Hogwarts. Also, the flashbacks are in no particular order, so please keep that in mind.

TW: Parental abuse, steamy scene (no smut)


"You have been such a great help this year, dear," Pomona Sprout compliments Y/n as they walk down the hall together. "It must've been stressful for you, I can't believe you didn't quit on the spot as soon as the petrifications started to occur. I mean, I never would've thought of as many remedies as quickly as you did on my own."

"What can I say? I learned from the best!" Y/n smiles, glancing over at the Hufflepuff Head of House to see the bashful grin formed by the compliment. "And of course I stayed; I love working here and I love helping you teach the students."

"Well, with your help this year, Dumbledore has no choice but to allow you to lead classes in your own greenhouse next year."

"You think so?!" She asks hopefully, watching as the other woman eagerly nods.

"Of course! You have been such a help this year, I'm certain of that. I can guarantee you that if you ask to teach lessons in your own greenhouse, he'll gladly allow you to."

Y/n smiles even brighter as the thought of becoming a real professor, not just an assistant, seems more of a reality than just a wish.

As the pair approach the end of the hallway, someone storms around the corner, nearly running into them but stops just before a collision occurs.

"Lucius?" Y/n questions in shock, staring up at the man before her with her mouth partially agape.

His furious features melt to a softer expression at the sight of his ex-girlfriend, his gaze unwavering from hers, completely oblivious to the older witch looking between the pair. "Y/n, what are you doing here?" He questions, unable to stop himself from looking her up and down. She'd changed a lot since he'd last seen her. Somehow, she'd become even more beautiful since 1972.

"I work here," Y/n replies simply, asking him the same question in return while Pomona takes it upon herself to leave the two to talk.

He coughs lightly, a clear sign she'd picked up long ago that meant he's being dishonest, and replies, "I'm here on ministry business." She tilts her head to the side, eyes narrowing just the slightest bit, so he quickly changes the subject. "I never knew you wanted to become a professor. Which subject do you teach?"


"You always were the best in the class. I must say, I'm not surprised," He smiles genuinely: All of the previous built-up tension and anger from his confrontations with Dumbledore and Harry, as well as the rage of losing his house-elf now completely out of his system.

Y/n finally breaks eye contact to instead cast her gaze down at the stone floor, a slight grin forming at the compliment. "Thanks. It's actually been quite fun to help around the classroom, although it was a lot more stressful than I expected my first year here to be, all things considering."

Lucius's mind momentarily trails to the diary he'd planted on the youngest Weasley, suddenly regretting his action at the thought of Y/n potentially getting hurt because of what he'd done.

"And you decided to stay? Even with a monster roaming around the castle?" He asks, watching her nod without a hint of hesitation.

"Of course! I couldn't just leave when I knew I could help."

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