26- Ginny Weasley

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Quick note: This was requested to be a nonbinary reader, so I am changing the pronouns for the first time. If I have written anything incorrectly, or offensive, please inform me. It is NOT my intention to offend anyone and I will change my mistake(s) immediately if you point it/them out.

As the Hogwarts Express pulls into King's Cross Station for the holidays, Ginny bounces her leg, feeling simultaneously excited to reunite with her parents and nervous to tell them about her wonderful partner, Y/n.

They've been friends for years and have been dating for a little over two months, but Ginny feels the happiest when she is with them, so, she sent a letter to her mum asking if Y/n could stay with them.

Molly agreed in a letter, happy that her daughter found a friend to spend the holiday with.

Ginny, knowing Y/n has severe dysphoria about their gender identity, sent another letter explaining how Y/n goes by they/them pronouns, pleading her to refrain from using any female pronouns. She hadn't received a letter back.

"Are you alright, love?" Y/n asks, pulling their girlfriend a little tighter to them, placing a quick kiss on her temple.

Ginny hums, trying to force herself to stop thinking about what her mother or father would say to or about Y/n. She knows they wouldn't be mean to them; a little curious, maybe, but not mean.

At least she hoped.

Students start exiting their compartments, quickly flooding the narrow hallway in attempts to leave the train to get to their families.

"Do you mind getting our bags?" Ginny asks Y/n sweetly, grabbing their thigh and squeezing it slightly in an attempt to return some sort of affection. She isn't quite used to showing too much affection where people could easily see them at any moment. "I need to talk to my parents before you meet them."

Y/n nods, slightly worried about their reactions to them.

They'd never met another nonbinary person at Hogwarts, or in the wizarding world in general for that matter, and they don't know how their girlfriend's parents will react to them.

"Hey," Ginny coos, placing her hand gently on Y/n's neck, lightly cupping their jaw, making them look at her. "Don't be worried, they're going to love you. Not as much as me though," She adds cheekily, causing Y/n to smile slightly.

They press their forehead against hers, both with their eyes closed in a peaceful moment.

"Thanks," Y/n mumbles.

They stay like that for a few more seconds before pulling apart, Ginny quickly standing and reaching for the latch on the compartment door.

She turns around and says, "I'll see you in a few minutes, yeah?"

"Yeah," Y/n agrees as, they too, stand from the comfortable seat they had been sitting on.

Ginny slips away into the crowd of students of all ages while Y/n starts unloading their trunks from the overhead storage area above both of the seats, having to stand on them in order to reach their luggage.

Once both trunks are down, Y/n stands by the door, watching people pass by, waiting until the majority of the students have left before finally exiting both the compartment and the train.

They look around the wizarding station for Ginny and her family, unable to catch sight of their easily recognizable ginger hair until the crowd clears, most families choosing to apparate from the station to their houses.

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