(Letter) George Weasley

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So, as I've mentioned, I LOVE love letters and my friend xmultifandomm basically demanded that I do a George one at some point a few weeks ago, so here it is!

Also, this is to tide you over until the next chapter ((Young) Lucius Malfoy) which should be out very soon!



I know you must be wondering why I sent you a letter when, by the time you get this, I'm probably sitting in front of you. Please don't look up at me! Unless you already have... Whatever, just don't look at me (again) until you've finished reading this. I'm already shitting bricks writing this, I don't want you to see how nervous I am while you're actually reading.

You're probably wondering why I'm writing to you at all. Well, I've been trying to tell you this for such a long time, but every opportunity I had somehow got ruined. Whether or not someone showed up, it was the wrong timing, or I just straight up chickened out, I just couldn't directly tell you, hence this letter.

I swear, I'm such a bloody coward when it comes to stuff like this. Especially when it comes to people like you. By the amount of times I was too scared to tell you (38 times, yes, I counted), I shouldn't even be considered a Gryffindor.

I can't believe you said you think of me as one of the bravest people you know. I'm flattered, of course, but if you knew just how cowardly I am when it comes to you, you'd probably laugh.

Great, I'm already rambling. I might as well plan on wasting another piece of parchment. NOT that writing to you is a waste! Of course it's not! Oh Godric, I'm doing it again. I'm just really nervous and I tend to ramble on subconsciously, now consciously, I guess.

Okay, I'll finally get to my point now, I don't want to keep you waiting any longer.

Y/n, I love you. I love everything about you and I have for YEARS. Every minuscule detail that you may not notice or think of as insignificant is truly beautiful to me. Godric, that was cheesy, but it's true.

Over the years of knowing you, I have noticed so many things about you that I find uniquely attractive. From the sound of your voice after you've woken up from a nap on the couch to how your eyes glow in the light of the fire, you are undescribably radiant. Godric, I don't even sound like myself right now...

Every single time you say my name or look at me or even simply smile in my direction, you have no idea what you do to me. Oh, and the times I saw you with your face painted red and gold cheering me on from the bleechers during our first match of the season for the past four years, I swear my brain went fuzzy and I lost my grip a little.

You have no idea how intense my love for you is. It truly scares me at times. I never imagined that I would fall in love with my best friend, but I knew, as soon as I realized how I feel about you, that I'd try to make you mine. No matter what I have to do, I need you to be mine.

Have you ever wondered why, after our seven years at this school, that not one person has asked you out? Why I was always there when you complained about it? Why boys would suddenly walk in the other direction whenever we walked anywhere together?

I'm sorry, Y/n, but I was jealous. Luckily for you, you've never felt true jealousy before. Not the kind I've got when it comes to you.

Okay, so MAYBE I made a few threats, but I hope you can understand why I did it. I am so truly, hoplessly, and desperately in love with you.

I know I sound psychotic. Writing it out, I now realize how creepy I sound, but, Godric, Y/n, I love you, and I hope you feel the same way about me.

You are my entire world. My everything. My life. I wish I can be yours. You have my heart laid out on a silver platter, all you have to do it take it in exchange for yours.

All yours,

George Weasley

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