24- Draco Malfoy / Harry Potter

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I equally hate and like this chapter at the same time, so do with this piece of information what you will. Also, happy new year! Hopefully, things get better...

Y/n rolls her eyes in aggravation as she catches Harry staring over at the Ravenclaw table for the third time that morning; his eyes unwavering from Cho Chang.

More often than not, she can see his eyes slowly drift away from hers to the girl sitting a few tables behind her, midconversation, and Y/n just gives up talking midsentence, knowing he won't hear a word she says anyways as he fantasizes about her.

Y/n looks down at her plate, pushing a few berries around with her fork, confusing Ron who had been listening in on what the pair had previously been talking about.

"Y/n, you alright?" He asks, only mildly concerned.

She lifts her eyes to him and hums, giving him a quick, small smile as a signal that she is fine, only to go back to focusing on her food to avoid showing her full irritation.

"Well, what happened after you-" Hermione kicks his shin, trying to get him to stop talking, knowing something is wrong with Y/n, having been on the receiving end of her spiteful silence in the past. "Ouch, 'Mione! What was that for?" He whines.

"That was your leg?" She asks innocently. "Sorry, I thought it was the bench."

"We're nowhere near- stop kicking me!"

Y/n smiles slightly in amusement and casts Hermione a grateful look.

"Thanks 'Mione."

Harry hums, dragging his eyes away from Cho back to Y/n. "Sorry, did you say something?" He asks, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

Y/n rolls her eyes.

"No." She replies, slightly cooly, still annoyed that he completely disregarded her for the Ravenclaw.

"Oh, alright," Harry shrugs, going back to eating his breakfast and chatting with Ron, entirely forgetting about Y/n's story.

She sighs, glumly resting her chin in her hand; Hermione giving her an apologetic look.

As they have been dormmates and best friends for years, Hermione obviously figured out Y/n's feelings for their friend a few weeks after Y/n herself realized that she fancies Harry Potter.

From the Slytherin table, Draco watches the interaction amusedly.

This isn't the first time he has caught such an interaction between the four Gryffindors, more specifically between Y/n and Harry, and each time he catches a glimpse of Y/n deflate and get irritated gives him some form of wicked pleasure. Something about one of Harry's friends turning momentarily against him gives him immediate, temporary satisfaction.

Seeing Y/n grumble to Hermione, occasionally nudging her head toward Harry gives him an idea that could possibly give him more than brief entertainment.


"He's staring at you again," Hermione whispers to Y/n, having caught Draco looking at her friend from the other side of the History of Magic classroom.

Y/n scoffs. "I doubt it."

"Take a look for yourself."

Y/n sighs slightly then discreetly looks over toward the Slytherins, finding Draco a few seconds later staring at her with his chin in his hand and a slight smile on his face that only widens once he gets, intentionally, caught. Y/n furrows her eyebrows, giving him a confused look, wondering why he's staring at her with a slightly wistful expression.

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