38- James Sirius Potter

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REQUESTED BY: jamessiriusboo

WARNING: Strong language and bullying


"Are you excited to go back?" Albus asks his older brother as they break away from their parents, Lily sprinting past them, all three on their way to the Hogwarts express.

James nods eagerly. "Of course! This is the year I finally get to be the Gryffindor quidditch captain! I can't believe dad's still on my back about being a keeper instead of a seeker like him." He rolls his eyes at the many, joking, conversations between him and their father.

"Oh, yeah. Scorpius told me that Y/n's still the captain for Slytherin." James sneers at the girl's name. "I still don't understand why you hate her so much."

"Because she's a Malfoy! She's essentially the bane of my existence."

"So what? Scorpius is a Malfoy and he's my best friend."

"I know," James grumbles. "She's just so... infuriating!" He runs his hand through his messy black hair.

"She doesn't even look like a Malfoy. Scorpius says she looks a lot like their mother. Honestly, if you didn't know her last name, you two would be best mates. You have a lot in common." Albus points out, remembering how he and Scorpius talked about their older siblings the year before, wondering why they seemed to always have a rivalry.

James scoffs. "The only thing we have in common are our interests in quidditch, high grades, and hatred for each other."

"You're more alike than you think."

"I'm not a stuck up bitch."

"At least I'm not a reckless prick, Potter," The two boys turn around to see Y/n Malfoy staring daggers at James while Scorpius looks at her with horror. "Honestly, you're such an idiotic, worthless, piece of shit human being. I can't believe Professor McGonagall would appoint someone as arrogant, yet obliviously stupid as you as the quidditch captain. I should really thank her because we all know my team will beat the shit out of yours."

"Y/n-" Scorpius tries to stop her, glancing at his friend and his brother with a mortified expression to see their reaction, Albus looking at him with a similar look.

"Sweetheart," James interrupts the younger boy, the word dripping with sarcasm. "if I was stupid, then why have I topped you in most of our classes last year?"

Y/n rolls her eyes. "Oh please, if you were twice as smart as you are now, you'd still be stupid."

"If I had a sickle for every brain cell you have, I'd be broke."

"James-" Albus tries, but much like Scorpius, he's interrupted.

"If you have a problem with me, write it on a piece of parchment, fold it up and stick it in your ass."

"You know what, Y/n, I'm surprised a Malfoy like you could actually come up with a few good comebacks. Have you practised them in the mirror over the summer?"

"As if you'd be on anyone's mind outside of school. Seriously, you're stuck in everyone's shadow that it's hard to see a single thing that actually makes you stand out from your pathetic family. I mean, you're dad is Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived, your mother is a famous quidditch player for the Hollyhead Harpies, your uncles are the most famous pranksters at school as well as your grandfather. Everyone has seemed to show their place in this world by being unique and talented. You, on the other hand, seem to be a pathetic copy cat. Try staring in the mirror and becoming your own fucking person for once in your meaningless life."

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