42- (Young) Remus Lupin (Part 4)

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I've finally written it! This is part 4 to chapters 32, 35, and 36.

There is a recap conversation in this chapter so you don't have to go back and reread the chapters if you don't want to :)

Funnily enough, @spnfreak07 just came out with a similar one-shot in their book that came out hours after I wrote the party scene. I promise, I'm not copying the idea, I actually had no clue and wouldn't have known if I didn't read their book. I had the song idea for a few weeks now and I'm genuinely surprised by the coincidence.

Please check them out if you haven't already!


Y/n looks over to the boys' staircase, watching as Remus descends with empty hands. She furrows her eyebrows, curiously tilting her head slightly to the left, watching him sigh as he takes his final step off the stair and into the common room.

"I couldn't find the book," He lies, starting his way across the room to her.

"Oh, that's okay, maybe you just misplaced it. Would you like me to grab mine? I wouldn't mind restart-"

"Actually," Remus interrupts, taking a seat beside her, mentally debating whether or not he should put his hand on her thigh. "I was thinking, maybe we should hang out. You know, since it's just the two of us... alone." He decides to go for it and hesitantly reaches over to put his hand on her knee instead of her thigh, not wanting to make her uncomfortable.

Y/n tilts her head to the side, her eyes cast down at his hand, a weird feeling growing in the pit of her stomach as he starts to gently rub his thumb side to side. "Oh?" She questions, still looking down instead of facing him.

He gives her a small smile and nods, both going unnoticed by her downcast gaze. "Yeah. Maybe we can... get to know each other a little better." As he says this, he leans closer. She finally looks up at him in shock at his sudden boldness. His suggestive gaze strikes a wrong chord within her and Y/n moves away from him, laughing uncomfortably.

"What do you mean? We talk all the time. We already know each other quite well." She rambles, desperately trying to process whatever he's doing. She'd never seen him like this, and, if she was being honest with herself, she doesn't like it. Not when it comes to Remus.

Shit. He thinks, instantly starting to regret trying to act as Sirius had indirectly suggested, but he's already started digging his hole and it's too late to turn back now.

"Y/n, I think you know what I mean." He tries to inch closer again, watching as she moves away.

"Remus-" She cuts herself off as soon as he reaches out to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear, allowing his fingers to brush her cheek, his palm hovering close to her face as he hesitates to cup her cheek.

"Yes?" He asks, trying to conceal his nervousness with a confident facade that she misreads as being cocky and arrogant.

Y/n pulls her head back, crushing everything within Remus at the action.

"I, uh, I'm pretty tired, actually. I think I should get some sleep," She quickly stands and looks down at him. "Night."

Y/n gives him a curt smile, too caught up in her own fluster to catch the hurt in his eyes, then practically sprints through the common room to get away from the uncomfortable atmosphere.

Remus sighs, lowering his head into his hands, tugging on his hair anxiously.

Fuck! Why would I even try to listen to Sirius?! She's been crying to me for weeks about him acting like this! I'm such a fucking idiot!

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