(Letter) Oliver Wood

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REQUESTED BY: inlovewitholiverwood


Dear Y/n,

Wow, that was a bit too formal, wasn't it? If you can't already tell, I'm bad at starting letters. Anyways, I just got yours and yes, I am doing good. I've barely got any time to relax after practice because my teammates have been dragging me to pubs to do some "after work wind-downs." I swear, they only drag me there because I'm a new face and the girls are already bored of them. Not that I'm interested in any of them, of course! I already have my eyes on a lovely lass back home.

Working for Puddlemere United has been a dream come true! I just wish you could come to more games. Don't blame me though! I always send you some of the best tickets for every game. I know you have a job and a life away from quidditch, but I still can't help but compare your skills as a chaser to those of my teammates. You're so much better than them (and a better drinking buddy if I say so myself). I much prefer you over them.

I know it's probably stupid of me to ask, but why can't you just quit your job and play for us? Practice would be much more fun if you were here. Actually, anything would be better if you were here. I miss you. More than you could probably imagine. It gets lonely sometimes without everyone, especially since I'm the newest member here and also the youngest. They've already formed cliques and use me to get cheap dates.

Anyways, I love getting your letters, even though the captain sometimes forgets to give them to me, hence the late replies. Sorry about that by the way. I do write back as soon as I get them. Please don't think I forget about you. Actually, there isn't a day that goes by where I don't think of you.

I can't believe I'm actually writing this, but I think that's enough talk about quidditch for this letter. At least about Puddlemere. I know I won't get an accurate response when I receive your reply, but how are you? How's your family? How's mine? I miss everyone so much, I'm disappointed that I can't see you all, but at least you're there to look after everyone. How's mum? Has she gotten any better? I nearly broke her heart when I left. I think I nearly broke yours too.

I still remember that look you gave me when we had to say goodbye. It felt like my whole world shattered. At the time, I remember wondering how the best day of my life could also be the worst. Yes, I got my dream job, but I had to leave everyone behind. I had to leave you behind. I broke our promise. Do you remember it? We made it so long ago that I doubt you do, but I remember. We were probably 4 or 5. I forget who came up with it, but we promised that we would be together forever. I guess we never thought about what would happen when we grew up.

We were quite the duo when we were kids, weren't we? When weren't we up to something? Remember when you kept watch while I stole your mum's broom and we taught ourselves how to fly in your backyard? Or when I stood guard while you swiped my dad's famous apple pies when they were cooling? I remember you burnt yourself pretty badly since he had just taken them out of the oven. It was a similar level of panic to the feeling I had when I realized I had to leave you. Two completely different things, but, my God, was I a mess. At least I hid it better when I got older, I don't know how you would've reacted if I actually showed you just how upset I was. We always did have a similar emotional connection. Whenever I worried, so did you, and vice versa.

Do you remember those times our parents would tease us for being so close? I don't think they ever expected us to become such great friends. I remember sitting in my room for hours making you your first Valentine's Day card when I saw how upset you were when you saw other kids get one. Okay, maybe it was only twenty minutes, but it was still a long time for a kid! I drew you a whole bunch of pictures I thought were masterpieces, wrote you some stupid poem, cut the paper into a heart, and douced it in purple glitter. If we didn't have magic, I think some of that glitter would still be stuck to our owl's tallons. Anyways, the reason why I brought that up is because my mother teased me about it for years. So did my gran. They thought I had a crush on you. How ridiculous, right?

Well, maybe they were right.

I don't know. We were always together and you always were my favourite person in the entire world (please don't tell mum). I guess I did fancy you a bit. Quite a bit actually. Alright, a lot. I really liked you, Y/n. I had a huge crush on you since we were 8. I even remember how I figured out that I liked you. We were flying around the backyard. We had just gotten our own brooms and we were taking them out for our first rides. We were racing each other around my house and I almost crashed into a pigeon. I freaked out and dove to the ground, accidentally crashing because I couldn't pull back up in time. I looked over to see that I had broken my brand new broom. That probably felt worse than my broken bones. I was scared that I would get in trouble, but you quickly swapped our brooms before our parents came outside and came up with an elaborate lie. I think you said you flew into a tree and the broom broke but still won a race so I chased you around and accidentally fell. It was an obvious lie looking back on it, but I thought you were my personal angel.

I also remember when I fell in love with you. We were in our fifth year at Hogwarts. It was in the middle of the quidditch season and we were up against Slytherin. It was raining, so, of course, all of our brooms were slick and it was hard to see, but you stayed on defense by the goal posts with me, helping me guard. You got in trouble for it by Madam Hooch, so you had to stick with our original plays. You were a star out there. I swear, even if it was a perfect day, you still would've looked like a blur when you sped across the field scoring us point after point. You won us the game and I couldn't have been prouder. Well, when we met up by the locker rooms, you leaned in to kiss my cheek in excitement, but I turned to congradulate you at the same time and we accidentally kissed. Instead of freaking out, you smiled at me and quickly turned to talk with the twins about the match. God, I was so relieved when you looked away. My face was red for hours! You looked so beautiful with your rain-slicked messy hair and pure excitement. If I could've frozen time right then and there to stare at your smile, I would've.

Why am I telling you this? Well, writing it is therapeutic I guess. Plus, I can finally get it off my chest. I've been pining for you since we were 8 after all. Yes, pining, as in, I still fancy you. Probably even more so now than when we were younger, if that's even possible (you're the lass I mentioned in the first paragraph if you couldn't tell by now). What I'm trying to say is, I love you. I know we say it all the time in a friendly way, but I really mean it, Y/n. I meant it all those other times too. I love you.

I sound like such a sap, especially when you wrote just a general letter asking how I am and what it's like here. I might not even send this. Yes, I'll put this in an envelope, address it to you, and leave it on the table, but I won't be the one to send it. If you get this, then it means one of my team mates must've thought I forgot to send it to you and have done it for me. If you don't get it, well, I just wasted a perfectly good Saturday night and I'll write another tomorrow without the confession part.

By now, if you did get this, you are probably in shock. Do with this information what you will, but I hope you return my feelings.

Write me when you can, if you want.


Oliver Wood

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