28- (Young) James Potter

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"Oh, Godric," Y/n grumbles, hiding her face in her hands, trying to escape Gilderoy Lockhart's pestering. "He's coming over again."

James frowns, knowing Y/n's disdain for the younger Ravenclaw.

With her hands still on her forehead, she looks up and gives the other Marauders a pleading look. One full of panic and immense irritation, desperately trying to think of a plan to get the stubborn, self-absorbed boy to stay away from her. A look the four boys have grown accustomed to and know well.

"Help me," She whispers pleadingly, but the chance to think of a plan diminishes as soon as the arrogant boy takes his seat beside Y/n, slinging an arm around her shoulders.

Gilderoy gives her one of his charming smiles, trying to get her to swoon over him, and pulls her even closer to him.

"Good morning, beautiful; how are you?"

"Oi! Lockhart," James snaps, gaining the group's attention. "Get your hands off my girl!"

Y/n smirks, going along with the charade. He sends her a wink as she shoves the Ravenclaw's arm off of her.

"Yeah, get off me," She quickly glances over at James then back at Gilderoy. "I have a boyfriend, Lockhart."

Gilderoy scoffs, eyeing James up and down, then turns his attention back to Y/n. "Him? But I thought he was obsessed with Lily Evans."

"Oh, no, they're crazy about each other," Sirius lies for them, Peter nodding his head quickly afterwards.

"Yeah, James only went after Lily to make Y/n jealous," Remus comes up with the reason to make it seem more believable, which seems to do the trick as Gilderoy scoffs again and sends a harsh glare at James.

He quickly looks back at Y/n, his expression softening as he tries reaching for her hands which she instantly pulls away from him as soon as she realized what he's trying to do.

"Y/n," He starts, slightly hurt that she's not only taken, but she seems repulsed by him, especially whenever he tries to touch her. "why would you even want to date someone who isn't even brave enough to outwardly admit their feelings for you? He played with your heart because he's a coward."

"Oi!" James shouts, only mildly offended; a few other Gryffindors look over at the group, wondering why he yelled.

"Yeah? Well, that's my coward so I guess it worked."

Something about the word "my" really catches James off guard. He wasn't expecting her to say that, but, for some reason, he doesn't mind that she did.

Gilderoy rolls his eyes and lets out a sigh of defeat.

"Fine, but if you ever change your mind-"

"I won't."

"-you know where to find me." He finally stands and goes back to the Ravenclaw table looking absolutely deflated by his latest rejection from the girl he's fancied since he was in first year, glancing back at her once on his way there to see if she's watching him leave, crushed that she isn't.

"You're all lifesavers," Y/n breaths out a sigh of relief. "Thank you."

"No problem, maybe now he'll finally leave you alone. He's only been pestering you for - what? - three years?" James asks causing Remus to give out a slight snort of pure amusement. "What's so funny, Moony?"

"I can't believe Lily hasn't done something similar to get you to leave her alone."

Sirius laughs loudly which, in turn, causes Peter and Y/n to start as well, something about his laugh is contagious.

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