6- George Weasley (Part 1)

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Y/n smiles kindly at a third-year student holding a small bottle full of a specific reversal potion she created to reverse the Weasley twins' newest prank. "Trust me, just pour that into your goblet at dinner and your boils will be gone as soon as you finish drinking your pumpkin juice."

The third-year returns her smile, thanks her gratefully, then quickly starts on his way to the Great Hall, ready to be rid of his unwanted blemishes, not realizing that dinner doesn't start for another few hours. At the end of the hall, he turns around and waves to her happily. She waves back and as soon as he is gone, she drops her sweet persona and smugly pockets the money with a content smirk on her face.

She continues on her way to the Ravenclaw common room, wanting to send out a few letters, however, when she rounds the corner she runs into someone, stumbling a little from the impact.

"I'm so sorry," She looks up, her sweetness dropping instantly and a slight frown overtakes her apologetic smile, Standing before her stand the Weasley twins who had just eavesdropped on yet another one of her sales. "Oh, it's just you two. What do you want?"

Fred tries in a pleasant tone, a hint of his true accusatory tone slipping in, "We know what you're doing."

Y/n crosses her arms and rolls her eyes, not at all trying to mask her annoyance. "And what exactly am I doing?"

"We know you've been selling potions to fix our pranks, and we want to cut a deal with you," George offers, he, as opposed to his brother, doesn't sound accusatory in the slightest. In fact, he sounds pleasant to talk to.

"What kind of deal?" She asks, suddenly interested in the conversation, although she tries not to show it.

The boys smirk and take this as a good sign. Fred continues, "We've been thinking of partnering up with you. We'll do the pranks, you make the potions, and we all split the money to keep our little games going."

"And what makes you think I'd be willing to do that?" She casually leans against the wall, the look of her carefree stance effects George in an unexpected way. He feels more attracted to her than he previously thought he did.

"Well," George gives her a confident smile, pushing aside his emotions. "you've been successfully doing this for a while, and we hate to tell you this, but we're broke. So, if we can't continue doing our pranks, you won't have your business."

"And I'm supposed to believe that you won't find some other way to continue what you're doing?"

Fred smirks down at her, bending down a bit to match her height, which visibly irritates her. "You know just as well as we do that we're stubborn enough to stop until you agree."

"Keep doing that," She points to his bent knees, "and I'll decline your offer."

Fred quickly straightens himself, knowing that at any moment she would walk away. She knew just as well as they did that they would continue with their pranks, even if she didn't agree to work with them.

"So, is that a yes?" George asks hopefully.

She thinks for a moment then smirks as she says, "I'll consider it, but you'll have to let me in on your pranks beforehand so I can help my loyal customers."

"We will, but you have to agree first. We all know we can help each other and we can all gain something from this arrangement." George bargains.

Y/n sighs and reluctantly, disliking the fact that she no longer has the upper-hand in the situation, and holds out one of her hands. "Fine. But I need at least fifty-five per cent of the money because some of the ingredients I use cost a lot of money."

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