29- Neville Longbottom

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Above is a fan film of the Longbottoms' that I think you might like to watch before reading this part. That is if you want to cry.


Neville hobbles forward from the front of the crowd of Hogwarts students toward Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Eyes from both sides watch him, a lot of his schoolmates feeling betrayed that he could give in so easily.

"Neville, stop," Y/n whispers hoarsely, feeling the glares of the enemies land of her, a few of them starting to point their wands toward her in case she tries to interfere with their newest member.

He hesitates, turning his head back to face her and gives her a weak smile before taking a few steps further.

"Well, I must say I'd hoped for better," Voldemort admits. Laughs ensue from his followers, the loudest of which coming from none other than Bellatrix Lestrange. "And who might you be, young man?"

Neville keeps his eyes trained on the ground, but states firmly, "Neville Longbottom."

More laughs arise from the large group in front of him, but he doesn't say anything, nor does anyone else defending Hogwarts for that matter.

"Well, Neville, I'm sure we can find a place for you in our ranks."

"I'd like to say something," He says, limping one more step forward, now looking up to stare the vile, snake-like man in front of him in the eyes.

The Dark Lord pauses for a few seconds, his hands clenching and unclenching, debating on whether or not he should allow the clearly beaten young man to talk, finally deciding to say, "Well, Neville, I'm sure we'd all be fascinated by what you have to say."

Neville stays silent for a few seconds, his eyes lowering once more before starting, "It doesn't matter that Harry's gone."

"Stand down, Neville!" Seamus demands, trying to get his friend to stop talking.

"People die every day!" He says, turning back to face Seamus, then looks across all of those familiar faces that he's grown up with, some longer than others. "Friends. Family... Yeah. We lost Harry tonight."

Y/n walks up to Neville, standing beside him, placing a hand on his shoulder as he continues on.

"He's still with us... In here!" He moves his right hand to cover his heart. "We've lost Fred. Remus. Tonks. All of them. They didn't die in vain!" He turns back to the enemies, taking a few more steps forward, pulling himself away from Y/n's grip, staring Voldemort directly into his eyes. "But you will!" The wicked man starts laughing, making a mockery of Neville's speech, not believing a single word that flows through the Gryffindor's mouth. "'Cause, you're wrong!" Neville shouts. "Harry's heart did beat for us! For all of us!"

He quickly reaches into the sorting hat a second later, pulling out the Sword of Gryffindor, Y/n scrambles a meter back to get out of his way.

"It's not over!" He shouts, just as Harry flips out of Hagrid's arms shocking everyone.

Harry brandishes his wand, pointing it at Nagini, shouting, "Confringo!" A fiery blast releases from the tip of his wand, hurdling just past the snake into a small section of Deatheaters.

He runs away, Voldemort shooting after him, while the majority of his Death Eaters disapparate in plumes of black smoke.

Everyone in defence of the wizarding school makes their way back inside the castle during the chaos, having the time as Voldemort is distracted by his fleeing army.

Eventually, he comes to realize what is happening and starts running forward, his loyal followers trailing behind them, shooting spells at their opponents; Kingsley Shacklebolt using nonverbal spells to put up temporary protective barriers to block them from hitting anyone.

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