41- James Potter (Part 1)

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"JAMES!" Y/n shouts, rounding the corner from the dining room into the living room, spotting Remus stepping through the front door with his jacket hanging from one arm. "Oh, hi, Remus," She smiles briefly. "I think Sirius is in the kitchen. JAMES!"

Remus cringes at the dramatic volume change, resisting the urge to bring his hands up to cover his ears. "What'd he do this time?"

"Hopefully nothing," She grumbles. "Happy Halloween, by the way," She smiles before marching through the room towards the stairs. As she does this, Remus quickly crosses paths with her, heading for the kitchen to get away from her shouts. "JAMES POTTER, I BETTER NOT SEE HARRY ON THAT BROOM!"

"WHAT?!" She hears Sirius's faint scream from two rooms over followed immediately by rapid, thunderous footsteps. "YOU BETTER NOT HAVE TAUGHT HIM HOW TO FLY WITHOUT ME!" He shouts, bursting into the living room, finding Y/n standing there with her arms crossed over her chest. "Woah, Y/n, what's got your wand in a knot?"

"Us, Sirius. He better not have taught Harry how to fly without us. I'm not missing my child's first fly!"

Sirius claps his hands together then quickly points at her with a large grin spread across his face. "I knew there was a reason why I liked you, Mrs Potter."

Y/n scoffs, trying to put up a stern front, yet she's unable to keep a small, guilty smile of her own from forming. "Don't call me that. It makes me sound like I'm old."

He laughs as they both ascend the stairs quickly, Y/n leading the way down the hall to Harry's new bedroom. She and James agreed to keep Harry's crib in their room until he turned a year old, just to make sure he was close to safety, despite the parenting book recommending the child stay in the same bedroom for half the time before getting their own room. Better safe than sorry.

Y/n spots the door which is already slightly ajar and she pushes it open, the hinges squeaking quietly. She frantically looks around the room, specifically up toward the ceiling, as Sirius peers over her shoulder.

Upon confirming Harry is not flying, her eyes trail down to find James curled up on the floor with their baby cuddled up in his arms, pressed up against his chest, both in a deep sleep amongst a pile of toys and a book laying open close to her husband's face.

Y/n's heart melts at the sight of her two favourite boys and she can't help but lean up against the door frame, staring lovingly at her small family. She never thought she'd feel as happy as when James asked her out, but she quickly realized that she was wrong. Oh, so very wrong. He'd topped the feeling when he proposed. He topped the feeling when she saw him balling at the alter as she walked down the aisle. He topped the feeling when he picked her up, spinning her in circles, peppering her face with kisses when she told him she was pregnant. He topped the feeling when he held her hand as she pushed. He topped the feeling when he sat in a chair at the end of the hospital bed, his head resting in his arms, which were folded on the bed, staring longingly at her and their son. So why was she surprised when he topped the feeling once more?

"What did you do to him?" Sirius whispers, breaking Y/n from her trance.

Without taking her eyes from the sight, she asks, "What do you mean?"

Sirius sighs, folding his arms over his chest, staring down at his best mate, who had become like a second brother to him, and his godson. "I've never seen James like this. Ever since you two got married, it's like he's changed. He's still fun, don't get me wrong, but he's different, you know?"

"Yeah, I know, but I didn't do anything." She finally turns her head to look at the man beside her. "Is it a good or bad change?"

"A good one. He seems a lot happier since you finally agreed to go out with him. He's matured since you married him." He places a hand on her shoulder and smiles. "I'll let you take care of them now, Mrs Potter. I'll make sure the dinner doesn't burn."

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