39- Harry Potter

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REQUESTED BY: @JulzLovDraco4Eva



"I just can't Hermione!" Y/n groans in exasperation, dropping her bookbag on the floor next to her bed, dramatically leaning forward to flop face-first onto her bed, her upper body flush against her mattress while her feet remain on the floor. "I can't tell him!"

Hermione sighs, also placing her bag next to her own bed, then walks over to Y/n, taking a seat next to her face. She gently brushes her fingers comfortingly through her h/c hair as she speaks.

"Yes, you can. You're amazing, Y/n; how could he not like you back? If you ask me, I think he does."

Y/n slowly lifts her head up to look at her best friend that has become like her sister over the six years they've known each other.

Hermione and Ron became somewhat sibling figures to Y/n but her bond with Harry is something completely different. Something special. Well, special to Y/n. They'd all become friends in their first year, Ron and Harry being a pair of their own, same with Y/n and Hermione until the boys had gone to save the girls from the Mountain Troll in the bathroom. They became great friends, but in their third year, things started to change: Specifically between Y/n and Harry.

Her heart seems to have picked up ever so slightly at the mere mention of Harry Potter. Her cheeks would warm at his smile. Her mind would go fuzzy when Hermione found an excuse to drag Ron away to leave the two alone. She'd become completely enamoured by him.

She couldn't remember the exact moment when she realized she has a crush on one of her best friends, but she was certain it started in their third year. Y/n had never felt the way she does for Harry now in their first two years at the wizarding school, so it only makes sense.

Ever since Y/n started fancying Harry, she worried about him just a bit more than most would consider normal for a friend to worry. This, of course, tipped off Hermione when Y/n became frantic the night the four of them discovered that their former professor, Remus Lupin, is a werewolf. Y/n completely disregarded her own safety, risking her own life to save Harry at any possible chance she had.

It wasn't only that night that seemed to bring them together. That wasn't even close to the start.

In their third year, Y/n was relentlessly bullied by Draco Malfoy. He'd tease her for both the mundane things every teenager goes through like acne and general awkwardness, but also getting physical at times. He'd put hexes on her, trip her in hallways, shove her aside when they'd pass, nothing too bad, but enough to either enrage or embarrass her.

Harry would always step in whenever he was around to witness the bullying. Y/n always felt guilty for allowing him to drag himself into her mess, but she couldn't stop him even if she tried.

Now, in their sixth year, the bullying has stopped, but Y/n's feelings for Harry have only grown. Everything about him is perfect to her and she can't help but feel flustered around him.

Hermione, ever the constant supporter and main cheerleader of the potential relationship, has been encouraging Y/n all year to ask Harry out on a date, or at least confess her feelings. If Hermione couldn't have Ron, she, at the very least, wanted to live out her romances through her best friends, prying for every little detail to come out of it.

Y/n furrows her eyebrows in skepticism at Hermione's words. How could Harry like her? She isn't his type. She isn't smart like Cho, or brave like Ginny. She's caught him staring at amazing girls for the past three years only to feel a knife twisting in her chest at the very thought of losing him to someone else.

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