44- Fred Weasley

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This is an au where Fred survives the war.

Also, sorry this took a while longer than expected, I had to finish things up at school and do some other stuff in my personal life that's taking up a lot of time. I was also in a car the majority of the day today, or else I would've had this finished hours ago.


Y/n's eyes frantically dart around the battlefield that Hogwarts has become, witnessing short glimpses of interpersonal battles and bloodshed, hexes, jinxes, and curses flying through the air, friends and former rivals coming together to protect their school against evil. She'd always suspected something like this would happen with the famous Boy Who Lived wandering through the corridors of the castle, but she'd never imagined that almost a year to the day after graduation, she'd end up coming back to the place she'd once considered a second home to participate in the second wizarding war.

On high alert, she senses the lingering eyes of someone behind her. How she was able to feel the hard stare of Fenrir Greyback, she couldn't begin to explain, but her intuition screaming at her to turn around couldn't be ignored and she came face to face with the beast, locking eyes with the monstrous man.

The left side of his lips curls up in a hideous smirk, revealing his sharpened fangs, as he takes a slow step closer, his tense position subconsciously revealing his intent to pounce on the eighteen-year-old at any moment. Y/n holds her ground, fingers tightening around her wand so hard she's surprised it doesn't snap under the pressure, but thankful all the same.

Her mind races a mile a minute, both waiting for the other's move, eyes glaring harshly at the other, tracing every minuscule movement made between them.

The world around Y/n seems to stop as Greyback lunges forward with full intent to maul the younger girl, giving in to his wolfish instincts to tear her to shreds.

Y/n raises her wand, spell on the tip of her tongue, when a blast sends the hybridized werewolf-man flying through the air, rolling into a pile of rubble, snarling at the impact.

"Immobulous," She casts, slowing the movement of the monster before looking over at her saviour.

"Ought to be more careful, L/n," One of the Weasley twins smirks amusedly at her, obviously trying to alleviate the tension that still hangs in the air.

She grins, nodding her head slightly in appreciation, the grip on her wand loosening slightly. "Thanks..."

"George," He fills in the blank, figuring the girl wouldn't be able to tell him and his brother apart due to their lack of proper introduction.

"Thanks, George; I owe you one."

"I'll have to keep that in mind." He grins lightly. "Keep yourself safe, will you? We can't have a smart girl like you out of order." George says lightheartedly.

She nods with a gentle smile. "I'll have to keep that in mind," She repeats.

Her smile drops as she sees a figure raising their arm, pointing their wand at George's back.

His look of amusement instantly drops to a mixed expression of confusion and fear as Y/n quickly raises her own wand once more and shouts, "Petrificus totalis!"

The spell whizzes centimetres past his head, striking her target. George quickly spins around to watch his potential assassin fall to the ground with a board-like stiffness.

"Thanks," He breathes, heart pounding in his chest due to heightened anxiety.

"Don't mention it, Weasley," Y/n grins, spinning on her heel to rush off to help anyone else in need of assistance.

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