27- Remus Lupin (Part 2)

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REQUESTED BY whoreforsiriusblack

This is part 2 to chapter 23. There is a video of people dancing above and a dress (please imagine the sides aren't sheer) that are references for parts later on.

Remus eyes himself in the mirror, straightening his blazer to the nicest suit he owns. He readjusts his black tie, playing with its tightness, trying to decide whether or not to make it tight or keep it slightly loose.

After deciding to keep his tie the way he normally does, he starts ruffling his hair, remembering how Y/n used to tell James how his messy hair looked good. On him, he looks like a disaster. Remus groans, picking up his brush, then fixes his hair the way he originally had it.

Calm down, it's not even close to dinner yet. He thinks as a knot forms in his chest. We haven't even started lessons, you have time to sort yourself out later.

Remus takes a few deeps breaths, in through his nose, out through his mouth, then walks over to the small desk in the corner of his private room, putting the few papers he has laid out into his briefcase, making sure each is in its designated spot.

He walks across the room to his door, looking over himself in the mirror once more before heading to his classroom, deciding to skip breakfast, much too nervous to eat in fear that it'd come back up later.

He walks through the halls, greeting his students as he passes, them on their way to the Great Hall.

Once he gets to his classroom, Remus starts setting up the room for his first lesson, placing a few slides into his projector, setting up the white screen to project onto.

Soon enough, he's run out of things to do, so, he heads over to his phonograph, digging through a few vinyl records kept in a box beside it, finally pulling out Frank Sinatra, placing it onto the turntable.

He looks at the back of the album cover, his eyes landing on the song he is looking for at the top of the list of songs

Smiling, he places the needle on the first ridge of the record, turning on the phonograph and listens as the first notes of Fly Me to the Moon fill the room.

A soft knock on the door catches his attention and he turns around, finding Y/n leaning against the doorframe holding a plate of food. She looks beautiful, even in her teaching robes.

"You weren't at breakfast and I thought you should eat something," She says, slowly walking into the room, handing him the plate of food filled with eggs, bacon, sausage, and home fries; Remus's favourites.

"Thanks," He smiles, finally looking down and grinning. "You remembered?"

"Of course I did." She replies, a small silence falling between them allowing Y/n to listen to the music. "Frank Sinatra?" Y/n asks with a gentle smile, remembering when they danced together in the common room to the song in their seventh year.

Remus nods, remembering the memory as well.

He sets the plate down on his desk and extends his hand to her, all of his nerves now forgotten. "Care to dance?"

She looks up at him, wanting to say no, wanting to hold her grudge against him, but she accepts it anyway.

He twirls her closer to him, Y/n giggling at the action, allowing him to start leading her in a swing dance, the pair gliding around the empty space in the classroom as they had in the common room when they were younger.

A few students who decided to get to class early watch the two from the doorway, watching them dance together as if they'd been doing it for years.

Y/n starts humming the song under her breath, it's a little off-key as they're dancing quite quickly, but Remus loves the sound anyways. He loves everything about her.

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