11- Fred Weasley

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Hey, I actually really like doing songfics and I think the last one turned out pretty good, so here's another one. If you don't like them, don't worry, the next one I post will be a regular one.

Song: Heather (Conan Gray)


I still remember third of December
Me in your sweater, you said it looked better
On me, than it did you, only if you knew
How much I liked you, but I watch your eyes

"Alright, take a five-minute break!" Oliver Wood shouts to the Gryffindor quidditch team.

The players fly to the ground and start to the stands where the majority of them kept water, the Weasley twins being among the group.

As Fred walks over, he looks up to see Y/n smiling down at him from the middle of the stands. She gets up and meets him while he takes a long drink of water, exhausted from the rigorous training and sweating under his sweater.

"Hi, Fred," She smiles at him.

He quickly finishes his sip, wipes his mouth, then returns the smile.

"Hi! I'm so glad you made it. I know how much you hate quidditch."

"Well, I thought it'd be nice to get some fresh air. Besides, I've been staring at a textbook for the past four days, watching you lot is a lot more interesting," She laughs, pulling her coat closer to her. "Though I must admit, I wish I hadn't come to one of your winter practices. I'm freezing."

"Here," He starts taking off the sweater his mum knit him the previous year as a Christmas gift, leaving him in a grey T-shirt. "you can wear this. Don't mind the sweat."

She takes it from him with a slightly forced smile. "Thanks, Freddie. It's the thought that counts, I guess," She hesitantly puts it on, deciding that she can always take a shower afterwards to both get his sweat off and to warm up. Instantly, she tucks her icy hands into the sleeves and looks up at him. "How do I look," She gives a purposely awkward pose that makes him laugh.

"It looks better on you than me," She feels her cheeks heat up at his comment and looks at the ground with a slight smile.


"Hey, Fred. Y/n," The two look over to see Angelina Johnson walking over to them having just finished her own water.

Out of the corner of her eye, Y/n watches Fred light up at her presence, watching his eyes glitter with excitement.

As she walks by
What a sight for sore eyes
Brighter than the blue sky
She's got you mesmerized
While I die

Y/n stands to the side as they start discussing quidditch tactics, not understanding a single thing they're talking about. It kills her to watch his whole demeanour change from his casual, friendly one with her, to a slightly flirty one with Angelina.

"Hey, Y/n," George smiles at her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

She looks up and smiles at the other twin, secretly wishing that it was Fred who was the one holding her.

"Hey, George," She leans her head on his chest, a thing she usually does with him.

They're the type of friends who are comfortable snuggling with but in a completely platonic way. They're close. Closer than her and Fred. Most people assume that there's something between them, but soon realize that they're just friends and will stay that way once they understand the nature of their friendship.

As they chat, Y/n doesn't notice Fred glance their way for a brief moment before giving his full attention back to Angelina, all the while Y/n feels like she wants to run back to the castle to get away from them.

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