2- Oliver Wood

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Slytherins' and Gryffindors' watch from the stands as Harry Potter nimbly flies through the air following the golden snitch while Draco Malfoy follows hot on his heels, both seekers willing to do almost anything to catch the tiny ball. Everyone in the crowds watches with anticipation, waiting for one of the players to catch it, hardly noticing a new announcement that Slytherin chaser, Y/n L/n has scored another ten points for her team, now making the score 130 Slytherin to 130 Gryffindor.

"Nice shot, L/n!" Marcus Flint hollers.

Y/n has been on a scoring streak lately to the dismay of the Gryffindors'. Throughout the five previous years of her playing for her team, she'd been consistent, therefore making her predictable. Oliver caught onto her predictability and blocked almost every shot she'd make.

Over the summer holiday, Y/n invested her free time into practicing quidditch with her older sister who just so happened to get recruited on the Holyhead Harpies. Every morning they would wake up at 7:00 AM, eat breakfast, then spend the rest of the morning into late afternoon playing against each other. After a long day of practicing, they'd do maintenance on their brooms (they'd polish their brooms once every three days and do daily inspections to make sure everything is in pristine condition), go inside to take showers. Whenever there was a game, they would try to go and take note of new moves they'd want to try the next day. During this time, Y/n learned how to break her old habits and be completely unpredictable with her movements and scoring.

The seekers lost sight of the snitch (much to their frustration and dismay) and the game continued on for another forty or so minutes, Y/n racking up points against Gryffindor until Harry spotted the snitch flying right in front of his face and grabbed it.

"Harry Potter catches the snitch!" Lee Jordan shouts.

Madam Hootch flies around then announces, "Slytherin wins!"

Slytherin cheers while Gryffindor looks confused and outraged.


"But Harry caught the snitch! That should've put them in the lead!"

Multiple angered words were heard from the red-and-yellow-clad stands when Lee Jordan announces the final score, 340 Slytherin to 310 Gryffindor.

The Slytherin team takes a lap around the pitch earning cheers from their fellow housemates while the Gryffindors' from the stands just grumble and make their way back into the school.

Once the victorious team lands, they are confronted by the opposing team along with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.

"She cheated!" Ron shouts being held back by his twin brothers, Fred and George, from charging at the chaser. "That's the only way they could've possibly won! She cheated! Admit it L/n!" He glares at the Slytherin girl.

"How dare you!? How dare you accuse me of cheating! You've got some nerve, Weasley!" Y/n retaliates defensively. "Unlike you, some of us have pure talent!"

"Talent? Is that what you're calling it?" Angelina Johnson mutters to herself.

"Oh please!" Ron starts again. "Up until this year you've sucked!"

"Don't talk to her like that!" Miles Bletchley, the Slytherin keeper, makes his way between the pair.

"He's got a point." Oliver Wood states. "I've been able to catch your shots in the past L/n. What 'ave you did to win now?"

"I don't have to explain myself to you. I don't have to explain myself to any of you." She huffs, storming away to the Slytherin locker room.

"You lot do know her sister plays for the Holyhead Harpies, right?" Marcus questions the other team rhetorically. "She's spent her whole summer playing. She's told us."

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