31- (Young) Bellatrix Black

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Hey, so this is kind of a collab with my friend, xmultifandomm where we are both writing about our favourite baddie using the same idea. Even though the idea is the same, our chapters are different so go check hers out, please!


Bellatrix glares daggers at Lucius Malfoy as he takes his seat next to Y/n, greeting her with his best smile.

Good morning, dove, how are you?" He asks, reaching for the trey of scrambled eggs to spoon onto his plate.

Y/n smiles over at him, her cheeks getting a little warm. "I'm good, how are you?"

"Better, now that I'm with you," He smirks, resting his free hand on her thigh, squeezing it slightly.

Y/n smiles over at him and, while he's distracted once more, turns to look at her best friend, Bellatrix, with a mixture of shock and surprise. Bellatrix gives her a - fake - encouraging smile back, restraining herself from pulling out her wand and hexing him right then and there.

"So, I was thinking," Lucius starts, taking his eyes away from his desired food to look back at Y/n, watching as she immediately snaps her gaze back to him as soon as he speaks, feeling satisfied at the effect he has over her. "maybe we could go on a date sometime this weekend. I know it's not a Hogsmeade trip, but we can have some fun here."

Y/n's face lights up with excitement, a large smile graces her features. "I'd love that, Lucius."

His smirk turns into a smile, or as close to a smile as he's able to form, and goes back to his breakfast, leaving his hand on her thigh as they casually talk, Bellatrix sitting there gloomily, her head resting in her hand, both upset that Y/n seems to have completely forgotten that they were making plans to hang out that weekend, and infuriated that Lucius Malfoy, the boy her sister, Narcissa Black, has fancied for months.

The longer the pair talk, the more irate Bellatrix becomes.

She stands from the table and takes a few steps away when Y/n asks, "Where are you going, Trixie?"

Bellatrix smiles at her nickname as she turns back to Y/n.

"I'm just going back to our dorm before classes start. I'll save you a seat, yeah?"

Y/n opens her mouth to talk when Lucius casually interrupts. "Actually, I wanted to sit with her today," He looks down at Y/n, noting that she's already looking up at him. "Is that okay with you?"

"Of course! I'll see you at lunch then, Trixie," She smiles at her, watching as she puts up another fake smile, nods, then walks away.


Bellatrix spots Lucius sitting on the couch so she takes this as an opportunity to ruin whatever it is that he and her best friend have going on.

"Lucius," She says, gaining his attention. He looks over at her curiously and she starts speaking before he even gets the chance to ask what she wants. "Leave Y/n, alone," She demands, storming closer to him, pointing her wand at his throat.

"What? Why?" His eyes are wide and full of panic.

"I don't need to give you an explanation. Tell her you don't want to go on that date anymore and stop talking to her."

"Or what?" He challenges, trying to seem less intimidated than he actually is.

She shoves her wand a little more into his throat and he lets out a small whimper, a sadistic smile taking form on her lips. "Or I'll hurt you," She slowly draws her wand back, still keeping a tight grip on its handle. "Besides, my sister has found herself fancying you, for some reason. Go after her instead."

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