16- Pansy Parkinson

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REQUESTED BY _loves_writing_

Pansy waits outside the Hufflepuff common room, leaning against the stone wall with one arm folded across her chest, the other hanging at her side with a small bouquet of flowers held tightly in her free hand.

A few of the exiting Hufflepuffs offer to let her in, knowing why she's there, but every time she refuses, wanting to surprise her girlfriend.

After a couple of minutes of waiting, Y/n sluggishly walks out, yawning loudly as she had just woken up a few minutes before, put on a sweater and jeans, and left for food.

Pansy laughs slightly and Y/n's eyes instantly dart to look at her.

"Well, good morning, princess. Still sleepy?"

Y/n nods and walks into Pansy's open arms, resting her head on her shoulder and smelling her expensive, sweet-smelling perfume. Pansy smiles and uses her free hand to run her fingers through Y/n hair, loving the small vibration of Y/n humming in content.

"Morning," Y/n replies, pressing a small kiss on her shoulder, loosely wrapping her arms around Pansy's waist.

"I got you flowers," Pansy murmurs quietly.

Y/n gasps excitedly with a large smile on her face and pulls away watching as Pansy extends the flowers to her.

"Flowers? Where'd you get them? It's winter!"

"I have my ways," Pansy smirks proudly, not wanting to admit she woke up early to sneak into one of the greenhouses to steal them for her.

Y/n takes them happily and kisses her sweetly.

"Thank you so much, Pans, you're so sweet." Pansy looks down with a bashful smile and Y/n kisses the tip of her nose. "You're cute, too."

"Stop," She whines, hiding her face in the crook of Y/n's neck.

"You're even cuter when you're flustered," Y/n giggles, stepping away and holding Pansy's face in her hands, though it is slightly hard with the flowers.

"You know I hate it when you call me cute," She pouts. "I'm the one who's supposed to call you cute."

Y/n laughs and completely pulls away from her.

"I'm going to bring these up to my room then we can go get breakfast, okay?"

Pansy nods and Y/n drums the pattern on the barrels to open the lid of the entrance barrel. She quickly goes in, runs up to her room, then dashes back, not wanting to leave Pansy waiting for too long.

As soon as Y/n comes back, she hops up on Pansy's back and Pansy carries her to the Great Hall with a neutral expression on her face, Y/n waving at people as they pass.

"Where do you want to sit this morning? Hufflepuff or Slytherin?"

"I chose last time, so we can go wherever you want to sit." Y/n answers, resting her chin on the top of Pansy's head.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, we sat with my friends yesterday, we can sit wherever you want today, it's fine."

Pansy walks into the Great Hall and takes Y/n over to the Slytherin table, setting her down and taking their seats with Draco, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle.

Draco rolls his eyes and leans closer to Blaise whispering, "Why is she here again?"

"Because I want her here, Draco. Is there a problem?" Pansy asks; holding Y/n's hand under the table.

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