30- George Weasley (Part 2)

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So, this is part 2 of my first George Weasley one-shot (part 6). I'm sorry for making you jump back and forth...

A knock sounds from downstairs, just barely audible to the Weasley twins from their newest invention upstairs.

"Just ignore it, they'll go away," Fred says, adding a few tufts of kneazle fur into a batter they're creating which seems to disintegrate upon contact.

"Right," George agrees without pausing his stirring, not wanting to mess up the concoction.

A few seconds pass and they hear the knocking again, this time only looking up at each other, then back down to their work.

Minutes go by with periodic knocking, each time irritating the twins more and more.

They had just finished setting up the shelves and displays in the shop, still trying to make some new products to fill the empty spaces, and they already have someone trying to come in four weeks before the set grand opening.

George nearly throws the wooden spoon at the wall as soon as they've finished creating the batter as he stands. He pushes his chair back harshly, causing it to tip backwards and fall on the floor while he stomps out of their workspace to the stairs.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" He shouts, runs down the steps, across the shop, to the front door. Without looking through the glass, he unlocks it, pushing it open just a crack and says, "Sorry, we're currently closed at the moment, please come-"


He looks up and his eyes widen in pleasant surprise.

"Y/n," He smiles, pushing open the door all the way and gesturing her to come inside. "Why are you here?! I thought you didn't graduate until another four weeks! We set the opening date the day after so you could be here for the big day!"

She grins at the thought and steps forward, pulling him into a tight hug.

"I regretted not coming here as soon as I couldn't see you anymore. She was awful, George and I just couldn't take not seeing you both anymore. My friends refused to be near me after Umbridge made it her goal to make my life a living nightmare, so, I stole a broom and came to find you."

He pulls away and really looks at her, noticing dark circles under her eyes and bruises on her arms.

"What did she do to you?" He whispers, cupping her face in his hand, his eyes still shifting to look at her body, trying to see if he'd missed a mark.

She looks down at her shoes, too ashamed to admit what she'd endured for the past month.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Who was at the door?!" Fred's disembodies voice calls from upstairs.

"Y/n!" George answers, not pulling his eyes away from her.

In seconds, the pair hear a crash and Fred's feet frantically thudding across the floor. Y/n chuckling at his eagerness, George holding in a groan.

Seconds later, Fred appears and bolts down the stair, nearly tripping over his own feet due to his excitement, then brings her into a hug.

"What are you doing here?" He asks, pulling away, keeping his hands on her shoulders.

"Is it a crime to want to visit you both?" She laughs, not really wanting to bring up Umbridge in front of him.

"No! No! I mean, I thought you wanted to graduate."

"I changed my mind," She shrugs, quickly darting her eyes to George.

Fred catches her and pulls away completely. "Well, as much as I'd love to catch up, I've got to go put together our newest invention. George, show her around, will you?"

Y/n looks over at him hopefully, Fred taking the opportunity to wink at his brother, knowing that leaving them aline will bring them closer together once again, and takes his leave.

"Of course," He holds out his arm for her to take, which she does, and he leads her around the shop, telling her about what they were planning to fill the shelves with, cracking jokes, and subtly trying to suggest giving her her own section of the store for her reversal concoctions.

"You know, we haven't figured out to doin this corner yet, what do you think?" He asks, showing her the section they had intentionally left open for her.

"I don't know, whatever you have in mind is fine," She answers.

"Well," he stops walking, Y/n doing the same, both of them looking at the completely empty section. "Fred and I were thinking that maybe you'd like to help us fill that area with something. Maybe a few of those potions you make."

She finally smiles up at him. "Are you asking me to make this the reversal section?"

"Yes. I am."

"Then yes. I have all the time in the world now, so of course I'll do it."

"Thank you!" He grins, instinctly picking her up and twirling her around in circles while she giggles.

After a few seconds of spinning, he sets her down, listening as Y/n continues to laugh while he blushes at their closeness.

She soon realizes as well and stops, feeling jer cheeks grow hot.

"I missed you," Y/n finally says.

"I missed you too." He admits, gazing intently into her eyes. "I, um, I've been thinking a lot about what you said..."

Y/n tilts her head to the side, firrowing her eyebrows in complete confusion. "What did I say?"

"You said you loved me before I left... did you mean it?"

"I, um, well I... uh... yes?"

George smiles brightly at her response. "Good. Because I meant it too."

He leans down and kisses her with so much intensity that if his hands hadn't traveled to her waist, she would've stumbled backwards.

She reaches up to run her fingers through his hair while simultaneously bringing him closer to her.

As they pull away to catch their breath, George whispers, "Marry me?"

"We're not even dating," She points out.

"So what? Some rules were meant to be broken."

"Dating isn't even a rule, it just makes sense. What if we don't even work well together in a proper relationship?"

"So is that a no?"

"It's an ask me later," She answers. "Until then, George Weasley, will you be my boyfriend?"


"George!" She smiles, lightly smacking his chest.

"Kidding! Kidding! Of course I'll be your boyfriend."

"Finally!" Fred shouts down at them, having watched the entire thing from the top of the stairs.

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