32- (Young) Remus Lupin (Part 1)

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"Are you alright?"

Remus's sudden question startles Y/n. She quickly sniffs, wiping her tears away with the sleeve of her jumper, desperately trying to tidy herself before facing her concerned friend. No matter how many tears she tried to clear off her hot face, more fell. No matter how hard she tried to stop crying, her breath quickened, sending her into a silent frenzy.

Worried, Remus takes quick strides over to her and wraps his arms around her from behind, holding her as close to him as he possibly can. Keeping her back pressed tightly against his chest, his arms holding her around her shoulders, he starts to gently shush her, rocking them back and forth while Y/n breaks down, unable to at least try to stop anymore.

"Sh," He soothes, rubbing her shoulders with his opposite hands as she tries to stop hyperventilating. "You're going to be okay. I promise."

"How-how do you kn-know?" She whimpers, her words interrupted by her jagged breath. Her voice is tight, a little higher pitched than normal, but at least she's talking.

Remus hesitates for a few seconds, not having prepared an answer, but ultimately states, "Because I'll be here to help you go through whatever it is that has you so upset."

His kind words send a pang of guilt through Y/n, not wanting him to be roped into her troubles, and sobs start escaping her quivering lips. She feels unable to hold herself upright and, if Remus wasn't there to hold her, she could swear that she'd be crumpled on the ground sobbing into herself.

He can feel her sudden weight, understanding her struggle, so he squeezes his arms around her a little tighter, whispering little nothings to her more frequently. With every word he says, the more guilty she feels.

Other Gryffindors' coming and going through the common room eye the pair curiously, each of them wanting to know why Y/n is crying and why Remus is the one comforting her instead of Sirius, however, none of them says a word and keeps the interaction to just a lingering glance.

Slowly, Y/n regains control of her breath, her tears starting to slow, yet she allows Remus to continue to hold her, feeling comforted by his presence. She knows she shouldn't, but she can't help but crave the feeling of calmness he's providing her at that moment.

"Thank you, Remus," She says, her voice is raspy due to the pain in her throat brought upon by her panic attack. "but you don't have to help any more than you already have."

He lets out a breathy laugh as he moves his right hand from her left shoulder and rests his chin there instead. "I know I don't have to, but I want to." She can feel his breath on her neck, a feeling she had grown accustomed to, but not from him. She pulls away slightly and faces him directly, revealing her red eyes and tear-stained cheeks. "What happened?" He asks gently, wanting to reach over and clear her cheeks, but doesn't, knowing he shouldn't.

"It's stupid," She mumbles, casting her eyes to the side in shame. "I shouldn't have been crying as hard as I was."

"It's not stupid, Y/n," He states, completely pulling away from her and sitting criss-cross on the floor, watching her turn to face him, sitting on her knees in front of him. "If it upset you this much, it's not stupid. Just tell me what's going on; maybe I can help you."

Y/n sighs and starts fiddling with the sleeve cuff of her jumper, looking everywhere except at him, not wanting to see his face. "Sirius broke up with me," She tells him quietly.


"And I'm more upset than I normally would be during a break up because last night we... um... well, I'm sure you can figure it out..." Y/n admits, wanting to explain herself further before he tries to talk, not noticing his eyes widen slightly at her confession. "I just sort of feel like I meant nothing to him, you know? Because... Nevermind, it's stupid."

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