8- (Young) Regulus Black

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Y/n holds her jacket closer to her body as she rapidly makes her way up the final staircase to the astronomy tower. She knows that she shouldn't be out past curfew, but the letter she holds tightly in her hand distracts her from the rule. The cold air already sends shivers down her spine and she can't imagine how much colder she'll be once she's actually outside, but that doesn't stop her.

As soon as she arrives at the large door she doesn't hesitate to push it open. Standing before Y/n is Regulus Black with his back toward her gazing over the castle grounds.

"You wanted to see me, Reg?" Y/n asks taking her place beside him and cuddling into his side.

He sighs and turns to her. "Yeah." He takes a long pause to decide if he wants to continue and ultimately does so. "There's a lot we need to talk about."

"Okay...?" She lets her sentence trail off with a questioning tone, obviously curious.

Once again Regulus pauses to consider what he's going to say, not fully willing to commit to what he is about to do. "Look, I can't keep doing this."

"Doing what?" Y/n asks she lets the letter fall to the ground and starts fiddling with her fingers, a nervous tick she's picked up over the years, fearing the worst.

"I can't keep us a secret anymore. Some of my housemates are starting to suspect something and I can't let that happen." He explains, running a hand through his hair nervously.

"Keeping us a secret was your idea. I'm more than willing to go public if that's what you're worried about." She reaches out and gently takes his hand with a warm smile.

"You don't understand. We can't go public." He sighs with his eyes closed tightly. "I know what they'll all think if they ever found out that we're dating. Everyone I associate myself with are stuck up blood-purists. Just imagine what they'd do to us if they ever find out that I'm dating a muggle-born. Imagine what they'd do to you! I can't let them hurt you! I won't let them!"

"Who? Your friends?"

'"Not just them. My family as well."

She squeezes his hand gently, something she always does when he seems stressed. "I don't care what anyone will think of us. I don't care what happens to me. You make me the happiest I've been in a long time and I know I make you happy too. We can make this last."

"I think it's best if we break up." He looks at the ground in shame, clearly not wanting to go through with his decision. But if anyone found out he is dating a muggle-born Gryffindor, the people he associates himself with will go after her first, then him.

"You can't be serious." She lets out an exasperated, unamused, breathy laugh. "Reg, I don't care what they think!"

"Well, I do!" He forcefully removes his hand from hers. "I can't keep doing this anymore! I just can't!" He runs his fingers through his hair letting out a slight huff.

"Regulus, please!" She begs, stepping closer, but he takes a few steps back.

"I'm sorry."

"We can be more careful. I can find new places for us to be alone. I can-"

He cuts off her rambling, not willing to hear her ideas in fear that he will take everything back and continue being happy in private. "Y/n, I can't let you do that."

"But I want to, Reg. I can't lose you! Please!" Tears start to build in her eyes as she looks up at him desperately.

"Don't look at me like that. You know I hate seeing you cry," He reaches out to brush a tear from her cheek but she steps away from him, both of their hearts aching.

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