1- (Young) Remus Lupin

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"Who can tell me what we are brewing today?" Slughorn asks his class with a kind smile looking particularly at his smartest pupils in hopes that one of them would answer. As expected, Lily Evans and Remus Lupin raise their hands from the Gryffindor side of the room while Severus Snaps raises his from the other, Slytherin, side, but to Slughorn's surprise, Y/n L/n also raises her hand.

Y/n, a Slytherin student notorious for slacking in her classroom efforts, gains a few curious looks from her housemates, but she doesn't seem to care at all.

"Yes, Miss L/n." The professor calls.

Lily and Remus snap their heads over to the girl, both giving her a suspicious look.

"By the hideously seductive smell wafting around the room, I believe I'm correct in assuming we're going to brew amortentia."

"That is correct. Can you explain this potion for us?" She rolls her eyes at this, lets out an exasperated sigh and leans back in her seat casually, a few boys around the room eyeing her with small smirks.

"Isn't that your job, professor?" She shrugs, she hears a snicker from her desk partner, Rabastan Lestrange, and she sends him a playful wink, however, Slughorn looks at her expectantly, brushing off her sarcasm. "If I must." She rolls her eyes once more "It's the most powerful love potion in the world and an incredibly difficult potion to make. Though it is called a love potion, it does not produce love, but simply an obsession or an irritatingly great infatuation. It is rumoured to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them. If one were to consume it, they would fawn over the creator as long as it is done properly. There are cases where people are slipped the potion but fall for someone else due to the brewer's ignorance and lack of skill. It usually lasts around twenty-four hours up to a year give or take the success of the potion and brewer's attractiveness as well as the doses administered throughout the course."

At this point, the other students are staring at her shocked at her detailed answer.

"Read up on that one, L/n?" Sirius asks from the other side of the classroom earning laughs from most of the Gryffindors, and regrettable chuckles from a few Slytherins.

"For your information, Black, I've read up on quite a lot of things, for example, hexes that will send someone straight to St. Mungo's. Care for a demonstration? I'd be more than willing to practice on the likes of yourself."

"That's enough," Slughorn gently scolds. "Ten points to Slytherin for Miss L/n's perfect explanation. Would you like to share what you smell to the class?"

"Not particularly." She crosses her arms defiantly. Once again Slughorn looks at her expectantly. With a sharp inhale she thinks then responds as casually as she possibly can, "Cinnamon, cedar, sandalwood, pine, and chocolate."

"Thank you for sharing. For this assignment, you will be partnered with the person of my choosing. You will be partners for the full nine days of brewing and at least one of you must come in every day to stir the potion." Groans fill the room, but he goes on anyways calling out the partners, one being from Slytherin, the other from Gryffindor. Y/n is relieved when she gets paired with Remus instead of some incompetent idiot such as Peter Pettigrew. "Alright, go to your partner and turn to page twenty-eight of your textbook for the recipe and begin immediately."

Y/n looks over at Remus and after a moment of brief eye contact, he gets the hint and packs up his things.

"Move it, Lestrange." Y/n shoves him slightly to go to his partner.

"Fine." He too picks up his school supplies and makes his way over to Marlene McKinnon.

Quickly, Remus comes up to her and places his things carefully under the shared desk while Y/n flips to the correct page in her textbook.

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