45- Oliver Wood

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REQUESTED BY eunoiamind

As Gryfindor and Hufflepuff students flood into the transfiguration classroom, Y/n takes her usual seat at the middle of the classroom and starts pulling out her supplies for the upcoming lesson. It seemed to be some sort of unbreakable habit where she would take her seat, set her book bag in her lap, take out all of her supplies, and arrange them neatly in the same order every single time. Her quill on the left, ink on the right, and parchment in the middle with her wand laying horizontally across the top of her desk just above the parchment should it be needed for a lesson.

Whilst Y/n carefully twists her quill to be perfectly vertical on the desk, Oliver plops into the seat directly in front of her, carelessly dropping his own bag onto the floor next to his legs, then turns his torso to face her, "Hey, L/n," he greets, reaching his arm over to rest on her desk, accidentally knocking his wrist against the small bottle of black ink. "Shit!" he loudly whispers in a half attempt to keep his voice low enough to avoid a scolding from Professor McGonagall.

She lets out a small laugh as he checks his long sleeve for any sign of a stain. "Hey, don't worry about it; at least the cap was still on this time."

"Very true," he laughs a little himself now that he realizes that he's just avoided a messy accident. "Sorry about your tie, by the way."

"It's really no problem at all. Besides, it happened -what? A month or two ago?"

"One and a half, but who's keeping track?" Oliver shrugs, a smug smirk tugging at his lips.

"Apparently you. Anyways, I heard there's a quidditch game today," Y/n easily changes the conversation, watching as the seventeen-year-old in front of her perks up at the new topic. "Is Gryffindor playing?"

He shakes his head, "No, it's Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw tonight, but I'm making my team go to the game because we're going against Ravenclaw next weekend, so we're going to study their tactics."

"I guess I'll have to save you a seat, then."

Oliver's brows crease as he gazes at her with utter confusion. "I've never seen you at a quidditch match before... "

"Were you looking for me?" She teases.

He feels his face grow hot and his eyes widen. "No!" He blurts out. "I didn't mean it like that. I mean, I usually look through the crowd before every game because-"

"Relax, I know what you meant. Besides, you wouldn't have seen me anyways, I tutor while the games happen for extra credit."

"Why? You don't need extra credit, you're one of the smartest people I know."

She shrugs, "Professor Sprout asked me to help a second year with their herbology lessons last year for extra credit since I hadn't done well on a test because of a stomach bug. Well, that slowly lead to a few other professors asking if I'd be willing to help out a few other students for them and now I essentially volunteer my time to help. It gives me something to do."

"But why during quidditch? That's just cruel."

"Well, I'm not much fond if it and I guess it's supposed to be an incentive for students to get better marks. You know, to be able to go to the games."

"If you tutor and you don't like quidditch, then why are you going tonight?"

"The fifth year I was supposed to help tonight has been in the infirmary for a week and a half with no sign of recovering by tonight and one of my friends has been begging me to go with her for a while now. I've also been wondering what all the fuss is about, so I guess I'm killing two birds with one stone."

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