Chap - 43

347 14 1

Olivia's POV

"Owen, I want to kill him," I blurted out, cutting in between Owen's little talk about how cute baby Plautpus is. Owen looked at me, his eyes wide.

"Wait what?'' I shrugged.

"If the law is not going t bring justice for my husband, I am going to make my own law and kill him, maybe then, I will be able to put everything behind me and move on?" I pointed out.

"Olivia...I don't think that is the right thing to do..."

"I know, but I see no other way, as long as he's out there, my children are not safe, I am a mother and a wife, as a mother, I will protect my children and as a wife, I will make sure to avenge my husband's death," Owen stayed quiet before he sighed.

"Please just don't get into too much trouble, you are a mom now, what if you go to jail or even worse what if he hurts you? who will protect your children then?"

"You, I know that you will protect my children, they have you, Old Lani, Jane, Bill, Sam, the boys, and Alexa. They will be safe," Owen frowned but I just smiled at him.

"Momma!!! We are back!!!!!!!!" I wiped my tears before running out of my rooms to hug my angels. 

"I missed you!!" the three of us said together enjoying each other's warmth.

"Olen!!!" Ocean squealed running towards Owen and jumping on top of him. Owen smiled widely at her and hugged her tightly. 

"Supp," River did a nod towards Owen, his hands in his pocket, trying to act all cool.


"We are home!!!!!!!" The boys came in hugging me and joining Owen and Ocean who were watching Barbie while Harry helped me and River in the kitchen.

"Does he...?" Harry trailed off looking at the bandage around my wrist. 

"Yea... I almost lost myself this time if it weren't for him," Harry hugged me.

"I am proud that you decided to open up......" I nodded.

"Me too!!!!" We chucked before hugging River, who decided to join in our little hug.




"Umm... Guys... I want to tell you something..." we paused the movie before looking at Harry. He had a nervous look on his face/ I gave him an encouraging smile.

"I- 'm... Gay...." it was dead silence. Everyone stared at Harry.

"Ummm Chile... we already knew that now can we watch Frozen?" Ocean was the first one to speak. We looked at her shocked.

"Ocean how did you...." I asked.

"Old Lani...  I and River heard her talking about this with Bill," she shrugged. We just stared at the twins... sometimes they act too old for their age.

"But what Ocean said is true, we all knew that... I thought it was obvious..." Alexa spoke up.

Harry rubbed the back of his neck before sitting beside Liam who passed him the popcorn before resuming the movie.




Sorry for the late udate and the filler chapter....

Hope you guys liked it......

Thanks for reading and please do comment your thoughts on this chap

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