Chap - 12

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Olivia's Pov

What just happened.....

I and Owen looked at each other and soon the atmosphere changed into an awkward one.

"yeah......ill just go to my room..." I said and went to my room without turning back. After I closed the door to my room I realeased the sigh I was holding for a long time.

I thought back to the kiss. It was a passionate one. Like it held some meaning in it. How? I have nooo idea. Like we want to tell each other something but we can't. But what is it...

I shook off my head. Took a deep breath. Then took the extra blankets from the cupboard and went down.

After arranging the pillows and the sheets we all slept in the living room since all of us (Meaning me and Lani) were tired to go back to our rooms so we ended up sleeping beside the boys.


I was sitting on the sand. Looking at the sea. I remember how much I used to love the beach. The sound of the waves hitting the shores, the feeling of the sand on my skin, the salty yet calming smell of the sea. It was all sooo beautiful.

A hand was placed on my shoulder as I turned around to see Owen.

"hi Owen." he looked nervous.
"Olivia. I need to tell u something." he looked rite into my eyes. " I lo-"

*End of the dream*

I suddenly sat up from my sleeping position. Realising something.

"Shit. I like Owen."


Yesterday after my realization I couldn't sleep atall. Resulting in me being sleepy throughout the morning. I was trying not to fall asleep while pouring the black coffee in my cup.

Haaaaahhhhh sleep....... Here I come-

I was cutoff from my quick visit from the sleep world when Luke hit the back of my head.

"Go sleep. For a little more. We'll get River and Ocean ready and call u 15 mins before we leave.". Thanking him as if he was a God. I rushed to the room I usually slept in and without thinking fell asleep rite after my head hit the pillow. I think my crush for Owen is sooo big that I'm starting to smell his cologne on my pillow even while sleeping.

*Owen's Pov*

During the shower all I could think was about the kiss. I have no idea what came into me. I just leaned in and she did the same and soon we were kissing. Touching my lips. The feeling of her soft plump lips still lingering on mine.

F*ck I think I like her.


Maybe because of the way she handles her children. And despite all the hardships she's facing she didn't flea and instead fought against it. She is a brave woman, she reminded me sooo much of my mom. Even though their stories weren't similar. I saw my mother in her. The vulnerability that she tried sooo hard to hide. Reminded me sooo much of mom.

They way her eyes closes when she is dancing to a really soft music. How she handles those boys. How her and my mom are soooo close. All of this made me like her even more.

I got out of the shower with just a towel when I saw a figure sleeping on my bed. I looked closer to see it was none other that Olivia. Her hair sprawled on her face. Her eyes closed. She looked sooo peaceful. Without any Care to this world.
I smiled as I covered her with my blanket and took my clothes and went to the bathroom to change.


OK guys. Ummm I wanted to tell that if u feel like the story is toooo Idk bad like unbelievable type or like I went over the top. Pls do message me so that I can edit it.

Thank u.

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