Chap - 42

368 17 3

Olivia's POV

"I was the one who loved you first!!!! I was the one who shooed those boys away from you!!! You were promised to me!!! I will get you... If I can't have you, no one else can!!!!" he said as he pulled the trigger, the bullet piercing through Raph's chest. I screamed, tears flowing down my cheeks. I crawled towards him, shaking his body.

"Livi... Remember I love you and please don't blame yourself. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. You too Lil babies. Both of you take care of each other. Sorry... Livi... I couldn't fulfill our wish of growing together and creating a ruckus in the old age home... I need you to find someone... Promise me you will move on love. I love you. Remember that. Tell our baby that their dada loved them." he said as he coughed again. He held my cheeks with his blood-stained hands bringing them down and kissing my lips one last time. My tears falling uncontrollably.

"No!!!!" I screamed as I cradled his head towards my body.

"Olivia!!! Wake up baby please!!!" I was brought out of my nightmare/memory by a panicked Owen who cradled me against him. I clutched his shirt as I cried the pain away.

"You are ok...Everything's going to be alright..." he said as he rocked me back and forth kissing m hair, murmuring sweet-nothings into it.

I and Owen sat like that for a few more minutes, holding each other.

"You wanna talk about it?" he broke the silence. I kept quiet... After all, he did for me, I owe him an explanation. And maybe I will be able to move on...

"It's ok if you don't want to-" I shook my head indicating that I will speak. Owen sighed.

"Whenever you are ready," he held me closer to his chest, I took a deep breath.

"Growing up in my household, I was taught how to be a woman and act like one... Most of my days were filled with school, etiquette classes, and those gatherings where I was supposed to welcome all the people and ignore those creepy touches the old men there gave me..... But like a person to rely on, I had Taylor, he was my childhood best friend," I smiled at our good memories.

"Even with all those etiquette classes I never behaved like a proper woman, according to my mother, yea I had to wear those luxurious frocks and all even when I went to school but I didn't mind them, High school, sophomore year, I met him, Raph, an orphan, joined my school, he was the bullied kid... I never liked the fact that he let them bully him, he never fought back..."


"Look at this little wimp here!! His nose is bleeding!!" Ash laughed as he punched Raph's face. I marched towards them, pulling Ash away from him harshly before punching Ash's nose "Look at this little bully here, getting a nose bleed after getting punched by a girl!!!!" I mocked.

"You bi-" Ryan tried to come towards me, but I was fast, I kicked him on his balls making him crouch down with pain.

"What the f*CK are you doing?!" Landon marched towards me but Taylor stood in front of him, "I wouldn't provoke her even more if I were you," Landon gulped before helping his friends off and going out of the cafeteria. I looked around to see everyone staring at us.

"There's no show here for you to see!!! Mind your own business," they all snapped back to their food while I turned to look at the spot where Raph was laying only to find that he was not there. I sighed angrily before going out of the cafe and to the rooftop where I was sure to find him.

"You are a coward and an idiot," I said watching him wince while he tried to dab his split lips with alcohol. 

"You shouldn't be here," he said startled. 

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