Chap - 7

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Olivia's POV.

Soon my brother left for his business trip and it's just me, my kids, and the boys at home eating lunch while messing around. And soon the boys left leaving me and my kids. I was making cookies with Ocean and River when the doorbell rang. I opened it to see Old Lani's son??

"Ummm hi???" I said.
"Hi. May I come in?? "He asked and I nodded opening the door wide for him and by then Ocean came running towards me crying.

"Mommy!!!!!!!! River threw the flour at me!!! " she cried as she came to me. I picked her up and she buried her face in my shoulder. Forgetting about Old Lani's son. I called my son.

"River... Why did u throw the flour at ur sister?" I asked him.

"I was just pwaying with her... "He said as he looked down.

"Well now Ocean clearly didn't like that sooo what will u do?? "I asked him.

He came towards Ocean and kissed her cheeks.

"I'm sorry ocean I will not do it again," he said and soon they both were off playing. I smiled at them. They sure are a bundle of joy. Soon I heard a clearing of the throat. I turned around to see Owen. Standing there awkwardly.

"Ohh I'm so sorry. I totally forgot about u. Having twins is really not an easy job. " I said and he nodded smiling.

"Pls have a seat. I'll get something for u to drink"I said but he stopped me.

"No, I'm just here to deliver u this. Mom said to me to give these to u. It's some cupcakes for the kids. "He said as he handed me the box I didn't notice.

"Ohhh.-"I was cut off by my daughter running and jumping up on Owen who quickly caught her.

"Hiiiii Olen!! "She said as she smiled at him.

"River came and stood beside me. Folding his small arms and looking at him carefully.

"Hiiiiiiiiiii. Ocean. How are u?? "He asked as he wiped some flour from her face.

"Good. I and River and mommy are making cookies. U should join us too" she said as she clapped smiling brightly. Owen looked at me and I nodded.

"Why not baby girl. Come on let's go" he said placing Ocean on his shoulder and walking to the kitchen while she giggled.

"I don't like him... " River muttered as he walked to the kitchen to his sister. While I smiled. Always the overprotective big bro.

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