Chap - 14

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Owen's Pov

We just finished our marathon and as usual, Olivia cried again. It was cute to see her cry, no I do not want to see her cry... OH lord that came out wrong..

"Owen." I turned around to see Olivia with who has held out her chips packet to me. I took a few pieces and stuffed it in my mouth.

Soon the boys came down and we all just hung out in the living room.

We heard someone opening the door and thinking it was mom we all just sat there soon enough my mom came in and the boys went and picked up the bags to see what were in those.

"Guys we are going for a long road trip." My mom announced and we all looked at her. What............

"you heard it right. Get ur farm clothes on cause we are going farming. Also pack for 3 days." and that's all my mom said as she got out of the house probably to get her things ready and dragging me out with her.

My mom closed the door to our home and turned to me. She hit my head really hard.

" I made u both alone this whole day so u can hit on her. But no. My son doesn't take the hint. Also, I know u like her don't try to hide it away from me. After all, I pushed u out from a very little hole. God, why did u give me such a clueless son? Anyway. We are going on the road trip and u are trying to get closer to her no saying back. U will thank me later. "my mom said these and went to her room. I just stood there dumbfounded." what are u doing!!!! Get ready and pack ur things" she yelled from her room. And I didn't dare to delay it as I ran into my room and just stashed in a lot of clothes that I thought were good for our road trip.


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