Chap - 33

468 14 1

Olivia's POV

Owen was carrying Ocean who kept on talking about her dream last night in which she was a princess while I carried a really distressed River who had his head burried in my neck. I think he's still sleepy.

We went to the counter to see a young girl probably 16 or 17 standing there. She smiled at us as soon as she saw us.

"Good morning!!! What can I get for this lovely family here?" she chirped. I looked at Owen to see him already looking at me with a shy smile. I smiled back at the girl.

"We are not married.....or dating if that's what you are thinking. He's my friend." I said and she blushed in embarrassment.

"I am really sorry!!!!Gawd that was soo mean of me!!!! You guys look like good friends then. I m really sorry!!!! Its just you guys look soo perfect together!!Like those power couples!!!" she rambled. I and Owen chuckled before we stopped her. She muttered an apology before asking us to order.

"I would like to have pancakes with maple syrup and a hash brown while Ocean and River would like their happy meal with 6 nuggets each and 2 oreo Mc'flurry. And Owen would...." I turned to him. "Pancakes would be fine." he said as he smiled.

After telling us the total Owen and I both took our wallets. We looked at eachother and smiled.

"I got this."

We both said at the same time.

"No like really. Its fine. Its on me." again we said the same thing. Oh come on!!

Owen smiled at me before talking again, "How about we split it?" he asked and I nodded, happy with the decision.

After paying the girl she beamed at us......why do I have a feeling that she's gonna ramble aga-

"Oh My God!!! That was soo cute!! You guys are literally couple goals!!! Sorry but I have to say it!!! I ship you guys!!!" she exclaimed. We smiled at her before going to our seats. Waiting for our order to arrive.

As soon as our food arrived we digged in.

"Lets play 20 questions!!!" Ocean said as she squealed....

"OK.....What's your favorite colour?" Owen asked.

"PURPLE!!!!!!!!!" Ocean exclaimed.

"Rose Gold" I said smiling at my toddler

"Yellow" he huffed rolling his eyes.

"Ok my turn, what's your favorite animal?"

"Unicorn!!!!!" Ocean giggled.

"LION!!!!!" River exclaimed.

"Puppies!!!!" Owen squealed.

I chuckled. I'm 'hanging out with three kids.

And just like that we asked questions and had fun. River though always rolled his eyes or huffed when Owen asks a question.

"Now where do we go?" Owen asked buckling up his seat belt.

"Amusement Park? " I asked and he nodded.

As soon as we reached the park the kids were excited. (understatement of the year)

I and Owen stayed out while we watched Ocean and River ride the kids Rollercoaster.

If you look closely you can see river putting a hand in front of ocean while he clenched his jaw. He won't show it... But he's scared but at the same time, he won't let anything hurt his sister.

"Olivia." I turned around to see Owen holding a cotton candy towards me. How did he- he was right beside me a few seconds ago...

I thanked him before taking the cotton candy. Putting it in my mouth. The sweet thing melting in my taste buds.

" You know Olivia, you are a great mom." he dropped it out of nowhere.... Ok... So how do I accept a compliment?? I'm never used to people complementing me.....

"Thanks you to." why did I say that......

He laughed. I just smiled awkwardly placing a strand of my hair behind my ears.

"I am really sorry about River.... He's just too overprotective..... He's not used to grown up men like you coming near me or Ocean like that....." I said. Owen smiled at me.

"I know Olivia. And I have to say. That's very nice of him. He will grow up to become a great person like his mom. Ocean too." I blinked.

"I hope they don't become like me.... I want them to become like their father, but less naive. I'm just a stupid woman who can't move on from her past, who is letting her past eat her up."I smiled bitterly. Suddenly I felt a hand holding mine.

I looked at it then at Owen. He had a small smile on his face.

" I don't know how messed up your past was Olivia and I don't know if I can help you. But just so you know. I'll be beside you while you fight it. Moving on takes time. It could last from a day to a very, very long time. But lemme tell you, if the past is eating you too much or is getting unbearable, you can lean on to me and take a break." I send him a sad smile.

" I promise you livi!!! I will be by your side while you fight your demons. I'll make sure that my shoulders are comfortable to lean on for you." he said as he stroked my hair as we sat on the bleachers. Watching the football players pass the ball around.

Suddenly I felt the warmth from my hand leave. I looked at Owen to see him gulping. I looked to where he was looking at to see River. I chuckled.

River was glaring at Owen.. And if looks could kill Owen would already be visiting heaven by now.

Hi!!!! Sorry for the delay. I hope you like the Chap.

How was your day dear reader? How are you? I hope you had a great day. And I hope that the rest of the days are also a good one.

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