CHAP - 20

668 19 1

Olivia's POV

I was watching the kids while sipping my 2nd glass of vodka when Owen approached me.

''HI beautifullll I'm Owen. Have i seen you somewhere?" He asked as he sat next to me.

" hi Owen, I am Olivia. I live in the same apartment as your mom." I smiled at him. Man he loos cute with that drunk face.

"You know Hitler the female version?" he gasped both his hands cupping his cheeks in a dramatic gesture.

"Yea.....I used to work in her bakery...and we live in the same apartment that actually belongs to her." I said

"How are you still alive?? " he asked confused.

"I dont know. Maybe because she loves me?''

"My mom doesnt even make me, her own son cookies then how can she love you?"

"she makes alot of cookies for me and my babies...."

"U have babies?" he asked confused, how drunk is he?

"yea. WHY?"

"are u single?"

"yessss" I looked at him. Man hes adorable.

he then quickly stood up from the chair and walked towards the dance floor then turned around and walked towards me. "HEY beautiful looking hot" he said as he sat next to me.......... again.

"Can i follow you home? " he suddenly blurted out.

"ummm we live in the same ho-" he cut me off as he continued

"Cause my mom always told me to follow my dreams." he said as he took my glass from me and drank from it.

"Did it hurt? WHen you fell from heaven," he said as he tried to give me a sexy smirk which turned out to be adorable.

Suddenly some random song started playing. Owen stopped staring at me and looked towards the dance floore.

"thats my favourite song!!!" he said as he ran towards the floor while I chuckled. Now thats cute.

Eveyone were having fun when the music stopped. Jane whistled to get our attention as we looked at her.

"ok now the camp fire is all set. So I would like it if you all move there for further enjoyment" I am surprised that she and Old Lani didnt start a fight yet.

"What?! You think the twins love u more than me??!!" *sigh* I spoke too soon. I thought as Jane screamed at Old Lani.

"YEAA I make cookies for them!!" Old Lani screamed back. Here we go again...

"WHAT?!?!? You bribed them??? I cannot believe this!!! Then listen here OLD B****H They love me more because i keep them healthy with all the delicious and beneficial fruits i sent them every month. I care about their health!!!" Jane screamed back.

"*dramatic GASP* You sent them fruits?!!? and u screamed at me for bribing them and who are you to call me a B***H you asshole!!!!" Old Lani screamed back as she punched Jane. People stopped what they were doing and stared at the two woman. Thankfully Sam was there.

"I am sorry for the trouble. But please do continue your party. This will fade away soon." and soon enough ppl started ignoring them. I continued to watch the two women while sitting beside the twins who were eating their marshmallows happily.

They kept on fighting and fighting. Punch after punch. Curse after curse and kick after kick. Finally they stopped fighting. Both of them came towards me and the kids.

"Ok Ocean and River. Who do you like the most?" Jane asked them sweetly. River and Ocean looked scared. Staring at the both of them then they turned to me.

"WE love mommy the most." Smart kids. I made them.

"Ughhhh" They both groaned and they both started at glaring eachother but soon slumped onto the wood beside us.

"Tired??" Bill and Sam came asking as both of them nodded. The two men gave them water and an ice pack as they both sat next to them. They are smart.

Soon some dude started strumming his guitar and there u go the campfire song and dances and stories. Old Lani and Jane got drunk again. Owen is still drunk. But I cant find him. The last time i saw him was when he tried to Ninja Slash a pineapple to find sponge bob. Why does every drunk people do that?!? Like literally!!!

Oh, wait I see him now. He's sitting with all the kids wrapped in a blanket and getting scared by the horror story some dude is telling. It's not that scary................

We all reached home and as soon as we reached everyone went and slept in their own rooms. I played on my pillow thinking about today. I have to say Owen looked cute.


HI guys. How are you?? I hope u all are fine.

 How are you?? I hope u all are fine

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