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*9 months later*

"Hi, Alexa!!!!!!! Why- Why are you pulling me??!? Where are you going?!?!" I asked startled as Alexa dragged me into my room before making me sit on the stool in front of my dressing table. 

"NO time to talk!! I gotta get you all dolled up before he reaches here," she said taking a hairband and putting my hair backward and then wiping it with a wet tissue before starting to put makeup on me.

"What are you do-" I got cut off as she placed a finger on my lips, 

"shhh baby girl let Mommy deal with this," she chuckled while I faked a gag before sitting there and letting her do whatever she wanted to do with my face.

*1O mins and constant scolding from Alexa to sit still later*

"Ok... You're all done with that ugly face of yours, NO!!!! DONT YOU DARE OPEN YOUR EYES!!!! You can only open them after you've fully glowed up!!" she said before making me stand in front of the room before leaving me and coming back after 5 minutes.

"Ok... I'm gonna remove your sweatshirt and slip this dress over your head, don't panic," she said.

After the dress was slipped onto me, I removed my shorts before Alexa led me somewhere, prolly in front of the mirror.

"Ok... Now open your eyes!!" she squealed and when I did open it, it wasn't a mirror, but Alexa in a fairy God Mother's costume. Where did she get that!?!?!?

I just laughed at her as she said Ibbitty babitty boo and turned towards the mirror and what I saw made me gasp in surprise.

"What do you think?" Alexa asked as she placed her chin on my shoulder staring at me through the reflection.

"I- I look beautiful," I said brushing my fingers over the dress. 

"You always do darling, I just made it stand out a Lil," she said chuckling.

"But why am I wearing these-" the bell rang

"That must be Prince Charming," she said before going down.

"Come down when I call your name!!!" she shouted from below while I kept checking myself out.

"AND NOW GENTLEMAN, I PRESENT YOU, OLIVIA QUEEN, QUEEN OF HER LIFE, " I chuckled at her intro before I walked down the stairs to see Owen staring at me with awe. He was wearing a suit.

Alexa snapped her fingers in front of his eyes to snap him out f his thoughts and as soon as we met eyes, he smiled widely at me.

"HERE COMES MAA GIRLFRIEND!!!" he said before giving me a box full of chocolates, just what I like.

"HI BOYFRIEND!!!" I smiled back giving him a bear hug before pecking his lips.

Oh... just so you didn't know, Owen asked me out, 8 months back and I said yes... One of the best days of my life!!!

"OK NOW YOU TWO MAY GO FOR YOUR DATE!!! BUT REMEMBER THE MAGIC WEARS OUT T 12:00 AM, MEANING I WANT HER HERE AT 11:59 PM," she pushed us out of the door and slammed it on our face as we chuckled.

"Shall we?" he asked bringing his hands out for me to take which I laughed loudly before taking it.

"Hiiii Mommy!!!!!!!!!" I heard a chorus as Owen opened the door for me, I looked back through the seats to see Ocean and River dressed in a gown and a tux respectively as they sat on the car seats. I looked at Owen and he smiled.

"Wanted to take all three of you on a date," he pecked my lips before starting the car while the Moana soundtrack started playing with Ocean's squeal and River's groan. 




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Choose any one of them, please

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Also... if you want a chap of Owen asking Olivia out feel free to ask. I didn't get a proper idea on how he was gonna as her out... so I just sped up the process.

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