Chap - 1

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A/N: guys this is just a filler chap and I really hope u like this book.

Olivia's PoV

"Mommy!! Wakeup!!!!!!!! We have class to-day!!! " I woke to see my 3-year-olds. Jumping on my bed screaming.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm up... " I said as I sat on my bed with my kids who had a proud face on them. Proud that they woke their mommy from her sleep. U don't need an alarm clock when they are there.

"Kids. Go brush ur teeth... Hmmm. I'll be in the bathroom changing if u need me. " I said as I watched my kids leave my room and go to their own.

I sighed before I went to the bathroom.

I did my morning routine. And wore a pair of baggie bants and a tank top.

I tied my hair into a messy bun and then went downstairs to make breakfast for the three of us.

I decided on making some bacon and eggs.

I then went to the kid's room to see them playing around. Both of them running around each other without their top on.

"Guys. Come on. Get ready. We have no time left... " I said as I made them get ready and then eat our food.

*20 mins later*

After having a musical ride with my kids singing a nursery rhyme they learned in their kindergarten we reached my dance school.

I guess u can now tell that I'm a dance teacher. I love to dance. It's my only way to escape... It makes me feel safe. Wanted and loved... My grandma was also a dancer. She loved it like me. She tried to teach my mom. But mom was never interested in those things.

But then during my summer vacations when I go to my grandma's house she used to teach me till 8th grade, without my mom knowing cause she thinks it's just a waste of time. But then somehow my parents came to know about me learning dance from my grandma and let's just say that the last time I saw her was at her funeral.

And after that, I wasn't allowed to dance. Just focus on my studies. But sometimes at school when it was lunch I used to go to the gym when no one was present And would dance or go to the music room with my friend. And dance while she played the piano.

But after I was out of my house and family. I decided to take dance as my profession. And now I am one of the most known dance teachers.

I specialize in contemporary and hip-hop.


I entered the practice room to see the kids already there.

"OK. Everyone settle down!! " I said clapping my hands to gain their attention and when I was sure that I did get their attention. We started. Going to our haven. Through dance.

Sup guys.

How ya doing??

Hope u guys are fine and I hope u liked this chap.

So.. I had added a luxorius penthouse pic and all before.. But.. Then.. After reading a fee of your comments.. I realised.. This ain't the kind of apartment, I actually had in mind while writing this.. So... Yea... I see her apartment as something... Very... Cozy and homely.. Sorry for the confusion... Also... Jsut telling ya... Olivia has 2 jobs... She owns a dance studio and also works part time in kindergarten.

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