Chap - 49

329 12 1

Owen' POV

I saw what that prick did to Liv, I can see how shook she is, she stood rooted in her position as she looked at him wide-eyed. My blood boiled but I took a deep breath. The twins are with me, I do not want to frighten them, and today is supposed to be a good evening, I cannot let my anger get in the way. 

Olivia's POV

I flinched when I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Owen smiling at me, but the children were not with him.

"Where are the twins?"

"I asked the cashier to look after them for 10 minutes, I want you to come with me, I have to meet someone," he said dragging me to the alley where those boys just went, a soon as I realized it, I stopped in my tracks.

"Um... why are you meeting someone in a shady-looking alleyway?" I did my best to keep my voice from cracking and it worked.

"I just wanted to look like I'm doing some shady stuff, you know.. for the fun of it, it's just my friend getting me some herbal tea powder he got from India," I sighed, we are talking about Owen here... I should've guessed it.

"I'll stay with the kids in the car, why don't you go and come back?" I didn't want to let him go there alone, "o-or you could ask your friend to come here, and act shady behind that bush over there."

He just shook his head before dragging me into the alleyway, his hold on my hand tightened as he saw those boys. He pushed us behind a wall before speaking, "hey... I saw what happened there... and I wanna punch each and every one of them, but both of us know that this ain't a movie, so, what we can do is punch or kick the guy who did that to you, but for that, go with the flow... Follow my lead and when I say peaches, you attack him, and then leave the rest to me, just trust me" he said kissing my forehead before walking towards them. 

"Supp boys!!!!!!!!!!" he said dragging me along with him.

"I heard one of you touched my girlfriend here," he said standing in front of the boy who groped me and another guy who hit on me first.

"Yea and if we did? What would you do huh? It two against 8 bros... You can either leave this beautiful lady with us and go away or taste our punches and watch as we have some fun with your girl," the guy who hit on me said. Owen and I stared at him, more like glared at him, before Owen creepily smiled at them, "PEACHES!!!!"

I shook my leg a lil bit before bringing it up with all my force, quickly turning to the guy who touched me and kicking his family jewels.

The boys were all shocked as they watched their friend fall on the ground groaning and holding hi that through his pants. I took that time to punch the guy who talked to us and soon enough as they recovered the initial shock, Owen grabbed my hand as we both ran out from the alleyway, Owen took his phone and dialed a number, I had my heels in my hand, I cannot lose it, Alexa would Kill me.

"Hello, yea agent Cobra, I need you to strap the twins in their car seat in the next 10 second," he said cutting the call before running even harder, I turned around to see all of them running after us, "learn to respect women you pieces of shit!!!! And GO TO YOUR DAMN SCHOOL!!!" I shouted before turning back and running even harder.

As soon as we neared the car, the cashier was standing next to the car, Owen loosened his grip around my hand as I ran to the shotgun while he ran+high fived the cashier and got into the car, the key was already placed in the hole and he started the car and sped out of the parking lot. 

I laughed, he laughed, the kids laughed along, without a clue. It felt nice, I hope they learn their lesson...



We soon stopped at the park for a walk and Owen suddenly seemed nervous. 

The kids were walking between us, Ocean was holding Owen's and River was holding mine, and Ocean and River were holding each other's hand as well. 

We looked like a family.


SUPPPPP Guys... 

I hope you liked the chap....

I know it's short and prolly stupid.. but yea.. u are literally looking into my imagination and this is what happens.. Bear with it.

Don't forget to take care of yourself!!!!!!!!!!


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