Chap - 27

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Olivia's Pov

How did I not see this coming? Jack always seeked for my parent's approval. He was the one who broke it to my parents that I was dating and how he was an orphan. I had a huge fight with him and he said he was sorry and that he just wanted what was best for me and that I should listen to our parents.

He was the one who told my parents that I was pregnant with the twins when he knew that I and the father of my children was not ready to tell them yet. I used to fight with him for always snitching on me but he kept on saying that it was for my own good....... I honestly pitied my brother.

After he left us, Jack brought me back to the house I lived with my family(?) saying that my parents changed... But they didn't...They tried to force me into having an abortion again and when I refused for the second time they kicked me out. Jack apologized to me saying that he was truly sorry and how my mom and dad said they changed to make him bring me back home. I pretended to believe him.

I never told him where I was going or anything......but 2 years later we bumped into eachother. He apologized to me again. I realised I didn't have time to hold grudge at him and brought him to my home, to my babies. He was happy when he saw them. He apologised to me again and again until Old Lani came and slapped his head telling him to shut up..........

I specifically told him not to tell about me to our parents. But I see that he did it again.............

I watched wearily as my parents sat on my couch looking at the living room. My mom's eyes filled with disgust and judgments. After getting over the shock, my parents invited themselves into my house leaving me with no choice but follow them after shooting a glare at Jack.

"I see that the boy you left us for really did influence you badly. Look at your living room! Why is it sooo... Bland?" My mom judged.

"I told you Olivia. Leaving us for that orphan boy was not right. He did not have parents to guide him. A business that could hold you guys. A family name that would make people respect him!!! It would've been a disgrace for us if he was still with you. Look at you! Standing infront of us alone. " My mom sneered and that was it. I snapped.

"Well he might've been an orphan with no money or fame. But he was a man with good heart. All he ever did was love me truly and showed me how to live my life without being a zombie like my brother!!! He taught and gave me love!! Something none of you did!!! He treated me like Olivia, a girl who was her own person not some Olivia Queen, a woman who is supposed to be given as an offering for some rich family for the well being of her parent's company!!! He was there when I was down!!! No matter how much I hated you, he would sit next to me holding my shoulders telling me that I shouldn't hate my parents and to give you monsters a chance. That was the only thing he was wrong about!!!! He loved me more than you and I ever did. He was the most genuine person and it is not his fault that he's dead and not here to stand next to me!!! " I screamed at my mom, tears falling from my eyes.

"Mommy!!!!" River screamed as he came to me. Hugging my legs. This kid knows when I need a hug just like his father. Ocean came running behind him. Stopping when she saw my parents. Her face was covered in chocolate. I thought the rule of no chocolate before breakfast still applied.....

"OH MY LORD... Didn't you teach your daughter any manners?!?! How can she eat a chocolate like that??!! Its so unladylike!!!" My mom asked as she stared at MY DAUGHTER with horror. I pushed River and Ocean behind my legs.

"I think I taught her right!!! And she is still a child and I would never raise her like how you raised me!!" I said as my body shook with anger.

"Now if you are done with judging me and my children and insulting my husband. I would love it if you get out of my house while I am asking nicely." I looked at my mom with utter disgust. My mom looked shocked but then quickly recovered from it before smirking at me.

"Ohh my dear little Olivia. I did not come for that. I am here to offer you something." she said. But I shook my head. "I dont want to do anything with you or your offer." I said. Then I turned to my children.

"Why dont you guys go wash up?? Mommy will come up in awhile""The twins nodded before running upstairs. I turned back. "Why aren't you out of my house yet?"

"Olivia I think you need to hear them out." Jack said and I looked at him with disbelief. "Jack. You lost the right to tell me what to do the moment you brought them here" He just stood there looking down.

"Now stop screaming at your brother will you? He did the right thing. He's just looking out for you." My mom said as she picked Owen's sweatshirt from the couch disgustingly. Oh Shit. That stupid man forgot to take this after playing with Ocean yesterday.

" I see you've moved on pretty well now. I thought I taught you better than sleeping around for money Olivia, you could've come back to us. All you had to do was put those kids in some orphanage and ask for forgiveness." She shook her head I looked at her horrified, did she just call me a prostitute?!? I mean there is nothing wrong with being a prostitute if that person likes their job. But calling someone that when they are not one is very insulting

I looked at Jack but he just stood there rooted in his position. I almost let out a scoff. He knew I wasn't one.

I snatched Owen's hoodie and placed it on my hands.

"How could you call your own daughter that?! FYI I am a dance teacher along with a Kindergarten teacher who gets paid enough to look after herself and her babies. And stop judging soo fastly will you?!?! And also I remember asking you to leave." I said as I folded my arms. Her smirk just grew wider.

" I do not plan on staying in this garbage if a house, I am here to offer you a deal and you will be quiet and listen to it." She said. I shifted in my place, clearly knowing that whatever she was going to propose will not be in my favor.

I'm sorry for the king and boring Chap.... I will try to update soon. It's just school is getting hectic.

11th grade is a b*tch. No kidding. I regret choosing a Science stream.... Anyway.

I hope you all are fine and safe. Stay safe everyone.

 Stay safe everyone

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