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Olivia's POV

I took a deep breath staring at the man in front of me. I will not die today and that's final. I will win this battle and move on. 

My eyes zoned in as the object was thrown to me, River and Ocean quiet as they watched what was happening in front of them, praying to reach home safely. 

I let out a breath before swinging the bat forward with full force, hitting the ball with full force, while Owen cursed. I quickly ran without thinking and circled the bases before reaching home safely. 

"HOME RUN!!!!!!!!!!!" The twins squealed with me.

"TAKE THAT YOU SUCKERS!!!!" Old Lani said as she pointed her middle finger at the guys.

It's been 5 months and no sign of Tylor, so.. Owen and the twins who were bored from being cooped up in the house decided to take us to the park with the boys, Old Lani and Alexa.

Since it was a family bonding time, they decided to play baseball, and the teams were, Girls vs Boys. (Tho River teamed up with us girls along with Harry to make it even) 

"Woah... You were soo cool out there!!" I smiled at Audrey.

"I know" I grinned at her.

Yea.. so for those of you who don't remember Audrey... she's the kid that Used to get bullied by Rick and his minions, (check chap 5), well not anymore, she's part of our family now, since the boys helped her from another incident and had her back while she spoke about Rick and those kids, (they got kicked out of school, cuz apparently it wasn't just Audrey) ever since then she's part of our pack.




"NO!!! MINIONS!!!" 

I covered my ears as the twins screamed back and forth about the movie they wanted to watch.

"Hey.. Hey.. how about you decide the movie by stone, paper, scissors?" Owen asked and they nodded, River won, Ocean screamed, Our ears bled, and now we are watching Minions while Ocean sat in a corner with her arms folded, pouting.

"I seriously think I should go to her," Owen whispered while I shook my head.

"No, she needs to know that, not everything will go her way and 3...2...1" I smiled as I watched River getting up from his seat and going and sitting beside Ocean kissing her on the cheek before hugging her. He made funny faces at her, making her giggle, and soon both of them were cuddling while watching the movie. 

"We have the best kids on earth," Owen nodded as he watched them making me smile.

Everyone was passed out on the couch by the time the movie ended. I chuckled when Owen mumbled something in his sleep before hugging River.

I made my way up to get some blankets for them.

I took my phone to check my messages when one caught my attention. My hands began shaking as I stared at it. 

I know that you love me deep down Olivia, and I will make you realize that, but before, I have to get rid of the people who are blocking my way towards you <3

A photo of our group in the park while we were playing baseball was attached to it, everyone's faces except mine were blurred.

My hands shook as I dropped my phone before I collapsed on the floor, bringing my knees to my chest, why now? When everything was going well?? W-we shouldn't have gone out... I should've known...


Heyyy GUYS!!! Sorry for the short and slow updates...

I hope you liked the chapter!!! Have a nice day/night y'all

Don't forget to eat and drink water!! Take care of yourself!!! 

LUV YA!!!!

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