Chap - 32

492 16 1

Olivia's Pov

After taking care of my bruise I went to the room where Olivia was admitted in. The doctor said we could leave tomorrow. I went into the room to see Owen still sitting beside the twins. He looked at them adoringly. I went towards him and put my hand on his shoulder. He looked at me and smiled.

"The boys said they had to leave." he said while I nodded I made my way to the twins and laid on the bed, between them. As soon as my back hit the soft surface both of them had their head on my chest and arms wrapped around me. I smiled tiredly at my toddlers.

I couldn't sleep, so I just looked up at the ceiling. I ruined the dinner. Idk what's gonna happen.

"Hey umm Olivia." I turned to Owen.

"If you don't mind me asking who was the guy with you outside the room?"

"That was Jullian. He saw me running around like a mad woman and decided to give me a lift and cared enough to come and check up on me." I said as I smiled. Owen had a frown on his face.

"I am sorry I ruined your dinner." He looked at me getting out of his thoughts and smiled at me sadly.

"Nahh I am sorry that this is happening to you. I wish I could help you get out of this. But my father pretty much have me under his leash." he said and I kept quiet.

I might have to marry this guy without loving him. I was wrong when I thought that I liked Owen, maybe I did, as a friend. I think I must've felt that way because of the fact that he reminds me of him.

"Thank you Owen." for being there for me.

He looked at me confused. I just shook my head.

"No offence but why are you still here?" I asked him.

"None taken. I just wanted to stay I guess. I have to say. This little girl has me wrapped around her little pinky. " he said as he reached out and brushed the small baby strands from Ocean's forehead. "Also because I thought I could keep you company. You look worried. Thought you might need someone to talk with." he said as he smiled at me.

I smiled back. And that's what we did. We talked about random things and laughed. It was good to talk to someone other than Old Lani and the boys.


The next morning I woke up to see Owen sleeping on the chair with a blanket draped on his body. He looked cute. I looked at him and smiled. The twins were still sleeping so I didn't move from my place, didn't want them to wake up.

I looked around the room to see an old woman probably in her 80s looking at me and smiling. I smiled back.

She spoke something in Chinese and I looked at her confused.

"My mom said you have a beautiful family here and that your husband didn't sleep until he made sure you were asleep and comfortable. " a woman translated she looked to be in her late 20s.

I smiled at the grandma.

"Thank you. But this is not my husband. He's just a friend of mine. My daughter loves him and he adores her too." I said and the woman translated.

The grandma's smile faltered before she spoke again.

I looked at the woman.

"She said that soon enough you will become one. She says that she sees it in you guys. Both of you look too broken and the only thing that can fix u both is eachother." I just smiled at them.

"Good Morning!!!!" I looked at Owen who was awake. His eyes were half open and he looked cute with his hair all ruffled up.

"You should've gone back home you know. "

"Oh shut it Olivia. My son became useful for the first time. Be thankful." I know that voice.

"Mom!!! When did u come?"

"In the morning. I have your clothes and brush in the bag there. Both of u change and brush your teeth before you leave." she said and we nodded. After carefully shifting the twins off me. I took my necessities and went towards the washroom with Owen. Keep your dirty thoughts away. We are using different washrooms.

After changing I went to the room to see the kids already up. I ran to the twins and hugged them.

"Mommy is sorry babies. I would never leave you again. I am really sorry." I mumbled to them as the tears fell from my eyes.

They pulled back. Ocean and River each kissed my eyes to stop the tears. I smiled at them.

"OK kids. I called the Kindergarten and told them about your situation. They gave u guys a leave today."

We nodded.

After a final checkup from the doctor and paying all the bills we went outside.

"OK. So bye kids." Old Lani said as she walked towards a bike. Now that I am noticing it. She is wearing skinny jeans and black tank top with a leather jacket. Cool!!! She is like 75!!!!

When I grow up I want to be like her.

"Mom!!!Why did you take my bike!!!!" Owen whined.

"Oh shut it Human that I bought into this world. I bought this for you with my money. Its mine as much as its yours. Soo see you losers!!!"

Man... I was hoping that she bought the van so that I could take the kids for a breakfast date and buy them an icecream to get their minds off of yesterday. River must've been so scared. I also need to go to the convenience store to buy a few things for dinner. I mean the boys were also panicking. Wait. I can ask Owen to join for the breakfast and lunch date. I mean I owe him too!!

"Hey Owen you wanna spend the day with us? We could get breakfast and then shop and then eat lunch from outside then visit the park? I am pretty sure the twins had a long night yesterday." Ocean cheered.

"Sure- " Owen cut himself off when he looked down with wide eyes. "I mean...I-I dont know......" he was shaking.

I looked down to see River glaring at him.

I pulled his ear softly. He looked at me. I gave him a stern look. He sighed before smiling at Owen, it looked like a forced one.

" River wouldn't mind. And I owe you for helping me out there. This is the least I could do." I said and he slowly nodded his head.

Ocean cheered even more while River grunted.


Hii guys I hope you guys like the chap. Thank you for reading my Chap.

 Thank you for reading my Chap

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