YELLOW is the person who you are living for. the person who saved your life and the reason for your happiness.
"I dream slowly so that missing you doesn't come "(-perry poetry)
Being a mother of two lovely sunshines is something any woman would wi...
The next few days went by faster than I thought and it was the weekend!!
I and the boys decided to go to the beach along with Old Lani and her son.
I was getting ready while the boys were trying to dress Ocean and River who were running from them with nothing on other than their underwear.
My outfit
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I tied my hair into a messy fish tail and then took my hat and went down to see the boys finally getting my kids dressed. They are now laying on the couch panting.
"shouldn't have given them the candies."Luke huffed as the kids kept on running around the house.
Soon Old Lani and Owen came and we all packed ourself into the van Old Lani bought for our picinics like this.
And let me tell u. She might be old. But she is a killer driver.
The ride was soooo cool. I was sitting in the front with Old Lani as the boys and my kids along with Owen sat in the back. We jammed to a lot of songs. And by the time we reached the beach our throats were dry and our voice were hoarse due to all the singing.
The kids seemed like they weren't over their sugar rush as they ran towards the beach and me being the very overprotective mother I am ran right behind them to make sure they were all good. The boys soon jumped into the sea with the kids as they had their tubes with them so they could go and play with the boys.
I helped Old Lani and Owen set all the things as the boys plsyed. Soon I felt someone picking me up and soon water was all around me.
I stood up quickly going to curse at the one who put me in to see the boys going towards Owen, picking him up and putting him in the water while I laughed as the kids came towards me.
Soon we were all goofing around Old Lani finally called us to eat. So we all went and ate some chicken fruits and whatever came into our hands.
The ride back home was a bit quiet. Harry took the shotgun so I sat with the kids.
Soon we all reached home. Tired. The kids went with Old Lani along with the boys while I and Owen were asked to go to Walmart to buy a few things.
Old Lani's POV.
Me, the boys, Ocean and River were sitting on the couch in a circle all of us looking at each other seriously like it's a very important meeting.
"Olivia is out with Owen rite now" I whispered. "which means?"
" Project Find Boyfriend for Olivia. FBFO. Meeting starts now" Luke said and we all sat there.
"soooo what is your proposal, Agent Angry Granny??" Leo asks me. If u haven't noticed it. I'm agent Angry Granny. It's our code name for FBFO.
"I suggest we pair up Olivia and Owen. I mean they look good together." I said.
"Good Idea angry granny," Harry said. "thanks agent Potter. What do u guys say?"
"I like that idwea!!" Ocean squealed as she clapped her hands.
"thanks, agent barbie," I said.
"Well, I like the idea too," Luke said. "thank u agent Nuggetz,"
"me too," Leo said. "Thanks, Agent Dr strange"
"me three," Jacob said. "Thanks, agent Alpha dog"
"me four," Liam said. "Thanks, agent Zeus,"
We all looked at River who was slumped on his seat scowling. He looked cute. "what about you Agent Ben10?"
"I don't like him." he scowled. "and why don't u like him," I asked him. "Idk. I just don't like him. He looks at mommy with Googly eyes. As if he is going to eat her. Like the high school boys we meet in the ice cream parlor or anywhere and I don't like that. I don't like him talking to my girls." he said as he went to his and Ocean's room I had set up for them slamming the door.
Well, at least he was cute being overprotective. He called his mom and sister - my girls.
" okkk I guess we will have to proceed with this mission without Agent Ben10," Luke said and we all nodded.