CHAP - 11

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Olivia's pov

Days passed by and today was just a typical day in my life.

I got up. Showered. Made breakfast. Woke the kids up. Ate my breakfast. Got the kids ready. And got myself ready.

We then walked to my dance institute. It's a small little warm-up for us.

We reached 30 mins before everyone SO I decided to do a small warmup dance before the students came.

By the time I finished the dance I heard someone clapping behind me.

I turned around to see Owen. I looked at him surprised.

I looked at my kids to see Ocean squealing and running towards Owen while River grunted.

Owen came towards me with Ocean on his hips. She was playing with his hair while Owen looked at me.

"hiii Owen what brings u here?" I asked.

"Mom. She told me that I should start learning dance. Why?? I don't know. She just told me that she always wanted to see her child dance before she was pregnant with me. But then I am a man. And my mom had to leave me. And my dad didn't send me for dance classes. Sooo basically we were talking about some kids in a dance show when mom bought that up and now I'm forced to learn dance even when I suck in it... " Owen said and to be honest I didnt understand half of the things he said cause he was rambling. But I knew it was Old Lani who wanted him to come here. Since it was her dream??? Anyway I chuckled a little.

" I understand. We all know how stubborn Old Lani can be."

"soooo when do I start?"

"you can start today. But u will have to change into something comfortable." I said judging his suit.

"what's the problem in this?" he asked.
"well all of us wear some dance outfits or sweats cause let me tell u. If u move ur legs a bit more apart ur pants will tear apart and we don't want that. And its not comfortable wearing this and dancing. Sooo yeah....." I said awkwardly.

He just nodded. And went out of the institute after telling that he will be back in a more comfortable clothing and by then everyone came.

Owen's Pov

After my meetings were over I went home. I checked the times to see that it was 10:00 am. OK sooo I have like 6hrs to kill until my next meeting. So keeping that in mind. I went to the kitchen. Opened the cabinets searching for my stuff. When I found it. Pringlessss!!!!! See even if I have alot of flings I'm still single as a Pringle.

I went to the living room flopped myself to the couch. With my legs on top of the head rest I switched on the TV and started watching some movies while eating MA Pringles.

Suddenly something hard hit my head and I fell down. Everything happened soooo fast. My Pringles falling out of its cylinder. And all.

I looked up from the floor to see my mom. Oh yeah who else could it be.

"doooooo something productive u idiot. Ohhhh My God!!!! I can't believe I raised a kid like u. I'm soooooo disappointed. Look at u eating junk food. It was meant for Ocean and River. Ohhhh My Lord. U Are of noooo use!!!!!!! Ughhhhh!!" my mom started screaming at me while I looked at her amused.

" didn't win the prize? " I asked her. Mom looked me and sighed but then nodded.

My mom is obsessed with some dance program and today was the finale and she was watching it upstairs in her room. But I guess her fav group didn't win judging by her expression.

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