CHAP - 23

588 15 1

Old Lani's Pov

The way back to the station was horrible. Because of the fact that there was a cuff attached to me and Jane and now we are supposed to sit 8cm close. Ughhhhhhhh.

As soon as we reached the station everyone greeted us. Let's just say that this place is actually calm. It's either some petty cases like a pickpocket or of someone missing their farm animal. We are even friends with the pickpocket thief.

"Hello Old Lani and Jane now what did you point at each other?" Officer Stewart asked.

"Old Lani was holding a butcher's knife and Jane was holding a gun. '' Officer Lark said as he locked us up, went to his desk, took 2 papers and pens. Not this again.....and gave it to us. "You know what to do,'' he said as he looked at us.

"yes" we said sadly as we looked at each other. Officer Lark always makes us do this whenever he locks us up. He gives each one of us a paper and a pen, then makes us write an apology letter for each other and write what we both like about each other(like a friendship letter.) but we won't have any tables to keep the paper and write, so we have to relay on each other. Like one of us will show our back and the other will use their back as the table while the back wait after the person finishes writing, that person's back will become the table so that the other one can write the letter. After finishing it we will hand it off to each other and say I love you and then hug each other for at least 10second or more. Then we shake hands. Then we wait for the Officer to get us out. Stupid I know. But he says this will teach us a lesson, but it doesn't. Ughhhh

I looked at Jane. She looked at me. "You bent your back first," I said. We sorta have an ego where we don't want to bed our back first...

"No.... You first!!!!"

"Noooo You!!!" and soon enough we started bickering at each other and we were almost going to punch each other when "Ladies!!! 1 stop fighting this is a police station. Why don't you both let STONE PAPER SCISSORS decide it? " Officer Lark asked us as if we're kids in a fight. We both groaned and did it anyway. Jane won. I am at the table. I groaned as I bend down for her to write. She wrote it extremely slowly and when it was my turn I did the same. After that, we called Officer Lark. He came stood outside the cell and folded his arms. "Old Lani start."

I rolled my eyes as I looked at my paper. "Dear b*tchy Janie. I am *whisper* not *continue in normal voice* sorry for what I did. Next time if we have a misunderstanding I will make sure that I bring a grenade I love you*not* In fact I still hate you. And the kids love me the most. Until next time f*cker!. With lots of hate- Lani" I completed my note.

"Now that's not nice Old Lani" Officer Lark said. I looked at him.

"Officer Lark," I said sweetly as I looked at him. "Why dont you keep your morals away from me? huh? or do u want to be a victim of my wrath?" I smiled sickly to which he gulped.

"Now it's Jane's turn." Officer Lark said.

Jane looked at the paper then at me. She crumpled it and spit on it then threw it at the side.

"Dear Old F*cker, I don't even know why you try to prove that the kids love you more. I mean it's obvious, they love me more than you. They get excited when they come to see me. Roses are red violets are blue and the kids love me better more than you. I hope u find someone who loves you, wait who am I kidding. Nobody loves you and I don't care. Just so you know next time I will make sure only one of us ends up in jail and that would be me cause you will be busy dying. Soooo with lots of curses for you Jane. " That b*tch.

"Well seems like you both love each other. Now come on. Shake your hands and hug each other. The timer is ready." We both cursed as we shook hands. Both of us squeezing each other's hands tightly. Then we rolled our eyes and hugged each other. We are not children. We quietly whispered curses to each other as we hugged. Gross

After sitting in the station for hours we were finally free to go. We were both dropped back home by the Sheriff. He rolled down the window and looked up at us as we got out, "Please try not to kill each other. Be friends." Both I and Jane looked at each other and showed him the finger. He chuckled and left. Stupid Sheriff.


Hi guys I am really sorry for the late updates. I like wrote a fanfic b4 and I explained it with a stupid plot so I am sort of busy editing it. Sorry. 


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