you need to stay away from me

690 45 20

Pulling him deep into the alleyway, tun looked to the action to then step closer to push tia off, to then take his hand back to place a hand to his wrist to rub, eyeing.
Tia turned to eye.
They both were unaware type and tharn just drove by.
"Damnit! You do not pull your elder!"
Tia rolled his eyes.
"Your only older by 2 years, but we need to talk."
Tun signed to place his hands down to eye the ground.
"Listen..... No we don't..... I'm not getting in the middle of this tia."
Tias eyes widen.
"You..... Remember me?"
Tun brought a hand to his neck to rub, feeling a bit intoxicated.
"Barely, but finding out your name after we..... Um.... Then how tharn acted, I put two together so, I know your types little brother, we met what twice?"
Tia looked to the ground.
"5 times actually."
Tun shrugged to then lower his hand to keep looking to the ground.
"Well, this will be the last, I'm not getting into this. I have enough problems."
Tias face fell.
"But, what about....."
Tun signed.
"Listen, I won't say I didn't enjoy that, even though you took advantage a bit....."
Tun peered his eyes to the side.
Well, really took advantage, I'm a top after all.
"But tia, your young, has I said, I have problems of my own, we need to just forget this and move on. I've done enough damaged too your brother, this is just way too much. So please, just forget this every happened."
Tun then turned to try to leave, but then he stopped to gulp.
Something type said to tia came into his head.
"So.... It's true? Did you.... Try to rape my brother?"
Tun gritted his teeth to sign, he then took a deep breathe to wince, he did that deliberately, to feel the pain his father inflicted on him, he felt like a piece of shit for what he almost drunkly did.
"Yes..... That's why you need to stay far away from me. I'm a good for nothing piece of shit. I'm..... Sorry tia...."
Tia raised his eyes in dis believe.
Tun took another deep breathe feeling the pain to then go forward, he was going to get stupidly blacked out drunk.
Rolling his hands into fists, tia was not going to just let him go.
Going forward, he grabbed tun by his wrist, to then turn him about to place him to his stomach to the wall, to place his hands to either side of his head, to lay his body to his, tun widened his eyes to then turn his head to eye.
"Tia! What are you doing!?"
Tun moved about but couldn't get away.
"Tell me, why did you try to rape my brother? Do you have feelings for him? Is that why you allowed what happened Sunday to occur? Was it because I am his brother? Were you getting back at him by letting me screw you?" Tia breathed heavily.
Tun looked to the opening of the alleyway that was a few feet away.
"I didn't know who you were until how tharn acted and I researched into it, and fuck no! I hate the goody two shoes type, I have no feeling for him, that's just disgusting! I only almost did that because I was drunk, I regretted it instantly, you have no idea how happy I was when tharn came in to break that up, I don't ever want to have anything to do with your brother, now let me the fuck go!"
Tia smiled.
"Well, why did you allow, last Sunday to...."
Tun furrowed his eyes brows in anger to look to him.
"I didn't allow anything, you took advantage, that is not going to happen again, I am a top, not a bottom, now let go, I..... What are you doing?"
Tia had placed his hands above his head, to then take his other to his chest to rub about to go to his shirt to try and lift it up.
Tun thrashed about.
"Tia! Don't!"
Tia cocked his head to the side, to eye, taking his hand back, he wetted two fingers very seductively. Tuns eyes widen, heart skipped a beat, he started to breathe a bit heavily.
Tia then took them out to place inside his pants into his boxers to probe his hole, to then stick them in.
Tun turned his head to allow a few quiet moans to escape.
"Ah tia..... Damnit!"
He placed his mouth to his ear.
"Like this don't you. Don't deny it."
" Why are you....aah."
"Being a good baby brother, you tried to rape my brother, I think this will be the correct justice to give, don't you?"
I also can't tell you tun, not right now, that I no longer just like you, I love you.
"Ah damn tia....ah...ah.....I didn't do anything.... Just walked close to him..... Was going to turn around anyway before tharn came in....mmm....."
Tia smiled wider to then lick his ear lobe, causing chills to go about tuns body.
"Still.....I also know you like this tun, just relax, let this happen. Don't fight against it."
Tia thrusted his fingers in and out of his hot cavity.
Tun couldn't help but move his body up and down, it really did feel good.
Tia kept his eyes to tun, he was becoming very aroused by his moans.
"Mmm, are you really hard tun?"
Tun hung his head to keep moaning quietly.
"Shut up!"
"Mm, I can up the anti tun, can, place something more enjoyable into this warm, tight ass of yours, do you want that?"
Tun whimpered.
"I'm a..... Top damnit....."
Tun then started to really move himself up and down those fingers.
"I won't tell anyone tun, come on, let me place my rock hard erection into you, or.... Do you think I raped you the other time? Is that why you don't....."
"Ah god! Just fucking put it in! I know you didn't rape me the last time, I didn't really stop it, damnit tia! I want to cum."
Tia smiled wider to let his hand that was holding his wrists up, go, to step back for a moment, to grab a condom from his back pocket, to then take his member out, to then look about has he downed it on, stepping closer, tun moved closer to pull his pants and boxers down to place his tip to his outter to tease, tun moaned a little louder, his length grew rock hard in his pants.
Taking a hand down, Tun grabbed out his cock to start stroking has tia started to thrust his way in.
"Ah so good, mmm....."
Tia then placed his body to his, to then move his hand away to then place both of his to his length to pump has he thrusted in, tun winced from the pain he felt in his chest, but the pleasure was to much to ignore, he moved himself up and down tias cock, a bit peeved he was the bottom again, but couldn't do anything about it, all his strength was gone.
"Ah tia, fuck! Your gonna make me cum! Mmm"
"Ah tun, ah.....ah.....ah.... I'm going to explode, you feel so amazing..... Can't hold...."
"Neither can I!"
They both then came, dis connecting them, tia looked down to fix himself to take the condom off, a bit upset he couldn't fill his love with his seed but didn't know if he was clean or not, tun breathed heavily, not moving for a moment, to then turn to place his back to the wall, to then hang his head to fix himself.
Tia there the used condom to the trash behind them to stand before tun.
"That should not, have happened..... Doesn't help I've been drinking. With everything you know, you still.....ugh..... Stay away from me, I'm too fucked up for you."
Tun then placed himself together, to then move off the wall to turn, tia stepped to him to wrap an hand around.
"Tun, you were drunk, has you said nothing happened, I am not going to place that over your head. Also you are not too..... Fucked up for me so can we...."
Tun took. His hand away.
"There is no we tia! This is all way too much,  this is not going to happen again! I am not getting into this. I.... Need to go home."
Tun didn't want to, but if he stayed out to much later his father was going to add another bruise.
Tia took a deep breathe.
"Tun......I like you, this will happen again."
Tuns eyes widen, he shook his head.
"Then your a damn fool. Stay away from me. I'm..... Not good for you....."
Not really good for anyone.
Tun placed his hands into his jacket pockets to then go forth.
"I won't stay away from you tun, no matter what you say or type or tharn, you will see me again!" He yelled.
Tun shook his head.
"Your an idiot!" He yelled after his shoulder.
Tia watched has he left to nod.
That I may be, but when I first met you when we were 16, how you made me feel and still make me feel, I just can't stay away from you, you might not remember but I do.
Tun then walked home to shake his head.
This is one big fucking mess, but why.... Do I oddly want him to keep.....
Tun signed.
You are a real asshole, tried to rape his brother then this is happening, if I were you tia, I would stay far away from me, before I mess up your life and ruin your future, just like my dad tells me I've done to him everyday.
Tuns face fell to keep going forward, he needed to go home, unfortunately he was only 5 minutes late which lead to a pounding from his father before he was able to go to sleep, weirdly what got him through it was imagining tia and what he said, "I like you." That touched tuns heart a bit, even though he tried to not think about it, since he was types little brother, but he just couldn't help it.

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