waking next to unknown attitude

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Furrowing his eye brows, type reached over to turn off his noisy alarm clock, that was made for tharn to get up, since he needed to work.
Taking a deep breathe in, type turned to lay his arm around tharn, who then shook it off, has he laid to the side, type then leaned up to look down confused by that action.
He breathed in heavily but didn't speak a word.
Types eyes darted.
Slowly, he brought his hand up to try and shake him, just to get the same reaction, has soon has he placed his hand down, tharn shuffled about.
Type took it back to turn his head to look forward.
"Tharn..... You need to get up....."
He scoffed.
Type turned his head to look to tharn.
"Why..... Are you acting like this?"
He then watched has tharn got up to sit to the edge, type cocked his head looking over his back.
He rolled his eyes to, turn his head to look forward.
"Oh, did tharn start his period?'
Turning his head back, tharn got up to go to the bathroom, slamming the door, what happened last night weighed in his mind.
Type gritted his teeth to then get up, dress, then went to the kitchen to make a breakfest for tharn before he went to work, oblivious has to why tharn was acting like that.
Coming out of the bathroom, tharn looked about, happy for the moment type wasent around, going to the bag he packed for however long he was going to stay, he downed on his work clothes.
Dressed, he went to the kitchen table to sit.
Keeping his eyes to the table, type then. Came about to place a hot breakfest in front of him to then part for the bedroom, he stayed to the door frame, head slightly turned.
"Your.... Not going to.... Eat with me?"
Type turned his head to look forward to shrug..
"Why, should I, its clear you have an attitude over something, I'm too tired for this tharn, especially when I..... Had bad dreams all night long of..... Um.....moko....."
Type then went forth to go to bed, closing his door.
Tharns eyes widen, to turn his head, he made a face.
So.... He didn't hear..... What I said..... But was talking to.....
Tharn turned his head to look to the hot breakfest to sign.
Waking a few hours later, type streached to take a deep breathe.
Getting up, he went to his shower to take a hot one, a bit depressed for tharns earlier action and attitudes.
Out, he dried dressed brush his teeth and relieved himself.
Getting out of the bathroom, he went to his dresser to gather some clothes, downing them on, his head turned abruptly to hear a noise, looking to clock, it was too early for tharn to be back.
Going to his cloest, he grabbed his bat, preparing himself for the worst, he then opened his door, to go forth a bit, looking about he saw nothing, turning, he heard the noise coming from the kitchen.
Going forth, he was about to swing, until he saw tharn come up with a pale of dirty water.
Shocked and surprised, he jumped back, for the bucket of water to spill.
Type lowered the bat to look him over.
Tharn was to the wall, looking to the mess, to look to type in anger.
'what the hell!"
Type breathed a bit heavily, looking about.
"What.... What are you.... Doing? Why are you here?"
Tharn raised an eye brow..
"You, told me I could stay, don't remember that?"
Type shook his head to take a deep breathe.
"No, not that, um.... Your suppose to be at work.'
Tharn shrugged.
"Was able to take a few hours off, jeez type, I come back, clean and you try to hurt me?"
Type gulped, face fell, to place the bat to a wall, he eyed the floor feeling Horrible..
"I'm..... Sorry.... Didn't know it was you...."
Tharn looked him over to sign, he placed his hand to the back of his neck to scratch.
"Well, can you.... Go get a few towels, I'm trapped here."
Type nodded to then go.
Tharn took a deep breathe looking to the empty space.
"Just.... Wanted to....atone for my......" He muttered.
Type came back to then throw a towel to tharn..
He grabbed to then crouch, type did the same, they both picked it up, going close to the bucket, type picked it up, to then keep scrubbing.
Moving closer, the two bumped heads.
They both moved away, to place a hand to there forheads to look at another.
Tharn lightly chuckled.
"Guess you got me in the end."
Type smiled, he was happy tharns attitude seemed to adjust.
"Mmmm, guess so. Well, thank. You for doing this tharn."
He grabbed his towel to place them too the bucket to get up, then watched to then do the same.
"Well.... That's not everything."
Type turned to eye him.
Stepping forth, he went to his back pocket too pull out his favorite chocolate.
Type eyed it.
"Oh..... Thank you..... You didn't have to....'
"Mm, I did. Was an....asshole this morning."
Type then took the chocolate to eye.
"Um..... Why were you?"
Tharn took a deep breathe to go to his ear, he gave type goose bumps.
"Let's..... Just forget it.... You go.... Place the bucket back, eat your favorite candy, Ill start on lunch."
He then placed his hand to his butt to squeeze.
Type turned his head to lean it back to look him over. There eyes darted.
"Remember..... You owe me this.....'
He then smacked it, to then lean his body to the stove to motion with his head for type to go.
Type looked tharn over to then eye the candy, shrugging he went to go do that.
Tharn wrapped his arms about.
"Good mommy....."
Type stopped to the door way to shake his head to then go forth.
"Semi, bad son."
Tharn lightly chuckled to take a deep breathe.
He..... Didn't hear what you said, dreamt of that prick..... Said what he did because of them.....
Tharn took a very deep breathe to turn to get down to lunch.
After placing the bucket away, type sat to the edge of the bed, to eye the candy with a smile.
Why.... Are you being so sweet?
Type looked up to eye the open door.
It's probably..... Because you told him you dreamt of...... Probably not because of anything else, stop reading so much into things......
Type signed to lower his eyes a bit.
"I..... Love you tharn......I don't know what that attitude was about..... But..... Still....."
Type took a deep breathe to un wrap the candy to consume.
Wish I.... Could..... Say that to tharn..... But.... If he doesn't feel that too.... And I lose him...
Type brought up his sleeve to wipe away the tear that fell.
He shook his head.
Rather keep this to myself then, lose you.
Consuming the candy, threw the chocolate bar, to cock his head looking down. Taking a deep breathe he got up to try and go to the kitchen, just for tharn to come out with two bowls and a smile.
Type stopped, he then smiled back, he couldn't help it.
Both sitting, they consumed, looking down at the meal.
They both took a deep breathe to think the same.
Rather keep this love to myself, then to lose you.
They both then looked up to smile at the other.
"You know tharn.... There is still more to clean. So eat up."
Tharn rolled his eyes to nod.
"Your so...... Anal about cleaning. Your place is perfect and very clean type."
Type shrugged.
"well tharn, I do know you like anal."
They both then shared in a laugh.
"Hurry up and eat type, so we can re clean what is not messy. And I'll show you how much I like your......"
Type nodded to look down to consume.
Tharn watched with a smile.
He didn't know how long he could stay, but for the moment, tharn didn't care about that, he was relishing in this time he had with type, even though he had to keep his love a secert, it was well worth it, to be by him, this much, tharn didn't pay to much attention about the pain he felt in his heart.

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