stop this

448 39 21

tun, you need to stop, there is what 5 guys, I know you get horny from drinking but shit!" Eudi stated.
Yuri and eudi had stepped to tun, for eudi to place a hand to his upper shoulder, looking to his back.
Tun hung his head hearing the guys before him start to groan.
"Come on! Let's get this going." One scoffed.
"It's just sex, don't understand the big deal." Another interjected.
The other 3 just laughed and nodded there heads has 2 smoked.
"Tun..... Come on..... Let's get you home." Yuri stated.
Tun signed to ball his fists.
"I..... Don't have a home..... Now you guys need to leave, I'm going to become what everyone keeps thinking of me. A whore."
Tun shrugged his hand off to then lift his head up to start to go numb. He then went forward.
Eudi and yuta looked at the other.
"That's right, bring that sexy body here, don't worry, were not going to break your friend, he wanted this." One stated.
Tun tried his teeth to lower his gaze has he kept going forward getting closer.
"Tun.... Come on, this isn't the way to go, come back." Eudi yelled after, he kept a hand wrapped about yutas wrist because he saw a few of those men eye him, that's why eudi stayed back.
"Just go home! This is who I am!" Tun yelled behind.
Before he could take another step, he was turning around, he looked to widen his eyes, tia was there with his hands to his collar, there eyes darted.
"Bullshit! This is not who you are!" Tia said through gritted teeth.
Tun looked down with furrowed eye brows.
Type and tharn walked to there side to eye the crowd of men, type then stepped forward.
"Sorry, but whatever this is, has been cancelled, you all can do whatever you were going to with another."
One went forward to eye type.
"I don't know who you are, but this has been arranged, tun over there needs to...."
They then leaned there head back has yuta and eudi plus tharn went by types side.
"He does not need to do anything, I know we have 4 to your 5...."
"I'm the 5th, don't forget me."
They looked to tia, tun widened his eyes to then look to tia with concern.
"You are not the..."
"Tun! You don't have a say...."
Tia took his hands off to then place one to Tuns wrist to then move him behind to look forward.
"We are evenly matched."
Tun placed his hand to tias upper shoulder, tia kept his face forward.
"Tia.... You are not going to...."
"Tun! Shut up!"
Tuns lips parted to take his hand back to look down.
Eudi, type, tharn and yuri looked to the men, a few rolled there eyes, the one before then wrapped his arms about himself to look back.
"Is it worth it?"
A few shook there heads, others shrugged, the one before them signed to look to each.
"Guess I'll be the bottom, tun, lose our numbers."
He then turned to go back to the others, they all dispersed.
The 4 then turned to eye tia.
He nodded to then turn, to eye tun.
"What the fuck was that tun!"
Tia then let go of his wrist to wrap his arms about, tun kept his head hung.
"It's whatever, why are you here? We broke up, I don't need your help, I'm being exactly what everyone thinks I am so...."
Tia then pushed tun, he looked up with surprise.
Type stepped forward, tharn placed his hand to his upper shoulder, type looked to him.
"Let them be."
Type signed to nod he then looked to them.
Eudi then went to Yuris ear.
"I don't think we need to be here, come on.... I'm tired."
Yuri rolled his eyes, to then grab eudi's wrist to pull him.
"Sorry but this one is tired, best of luck to you." Yuri said has he passed.
Tia and tun didn't move, they kept looking to the other.
"That is so.... Wrong and you know it tun, this is not you, why are you doing this!?"
Tun hung his head again to look down with furrowed eye brows.
"This is me tia..... You heard it yourself by my dad, by tharn, by your own brother, look this is not your concern, go home, leave me alone."
Tun tried to turn until tia moved about to place his hands to Tuns gave to turn it around to lay his lips to his. Tuns eyes widen.
Types lips parted over this.
Tia moved back.
"I love you tun, I know this is not you, we may never have gone over our sexual histories, but I don't care, we are not done, we are not over, please, I know for a fact what I have been told was wrong, tun please, come back to me."
Tun flexed his jaw.
He then brought his hands to his Wrists to wrap about to look down.
"No tia..... Were over.... Were done....I saw how much you were shaking after...... What he said to you..."
Tia took a deep breathe to make tun raise his head, there eyes darted.
"I acted like that because I have never been in that situation before, never saw you..... Hit anyone over there head with the bottle, also tun....I didnt believe your father when he said those things, I don't know what he was talking about, bit I hope one day you will tell me, but if you don't that's fine, all I want is to be with you."
Tears welled up in tuns eyes, he couldn't stop himself, he leaned his head forward to place his lips to his.
Type made a face to look to tharn, they eyed the other.
"We........ Should leave, let them have there privacy."
Tharn nodded to take his hand off, the two held the others hand to then leave, tun and tia moved there heads back to eye the other.
"Mmm, there's a hotel close by, you and I need to talk." Tun spoke.
"I'll only go, if you say we're not broken up."
Tun rubbed his thumbs up and down.
"After we talk, Ill let you in, then you need to really decide if we should be a couple."
Tia nodded.
"Then let's go."
Tun smiled to take his hands down, tia did the same, for them to walk out the alley, hands together looking at the other. Now they needed to have a serious conversation in order to see if they should be a real couple.

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