keep your nose out of my business!

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After a calm week, with type and tharn, going to school and work, Saturday came about and they were called to types parents house were the envitable happened.
Tia came out to his parents, telling everyone that he was now fully gay and his boyfriend was tun, he also stated they were going to move into the dorm together in the next 2 months, he also asked his parents if tun could take types room since tun couldn't go home, has the talk went on, tia took his mother and father somewhere else to tell them why tun needed to be there, telling them everything about Tuns situation, tia didn't keep things like this from his parents..
Has he left, type, tharn, riza and tun were to the kitchen table, eating uncomfortably, well types sister ate in peace but for the boys this was awkward.
Looking up, she eyed them, then looked to type.
"Why are you all making faces?"
Type turned his head to eye, tharn looked to type, tun kept his head hung.
"Truth be told I don't like tias boyfriend."
Tun gritted his teeth but said nothing, tharn then eyed him.
"Why don't you like tun? He did help you move."
"I don't like him for things you don't need to know about but...."
Tun froze to widen his eyes, tharn looked back to type.
"I know tia loves him, guess just have to deal with it."
Tharn smirked to then hang his head to then eat his food a bit more comfortably.
Tun looked up to smile..
"Mmm, type?"
Type signed to turn his head to eye tun.
"Thank you, I know...... You don't want me here, don't want me to be with tia, trust me I know but...... You should know, I love him too and I am not going to hurt him, his heart is to valuable to me."
They then we looked behind tun has tia walked forward to wrap his arms about, his parents were behind to watch.
"Oh tun....."
Tia turned his head to place a kiss to his cheek, to keep his arms wrapped to lean back to eye. Tun turned his head to look him up and down..
"Tia, were at your parents."
Tia shrugged.
"I'm affectionate, deal with it."
Tia tried to place his lips to Tuns cheek once more for him. To move his head about dodging, type looked to them to then stand, he had about enough.
They all looked to type, who then looked to tharn.
"I'm full, are you? Think it's time to go meet your other friends."
I may not be able to save my brother from this prick but maybe I can help yuta, he has helped me a bit.
Tuns eyes Darted, tias parents then went to sit down to consume dinner not really caring tia was being this clingy to his boyfriend.
"Your..... Wait who are you meeting?"
Tun then eyed tharn, who looked to him.
"Eudi, yuta and daminoes."
Tharn looked back to type. Tun eyed him.
"Why are you going to..."
Type signed to strighten up.
"To get out, tharn are you done?"
He nodded to then get up, tun watched with an eye brow raised.
The two then left, to turned his head to look to tia.
"That's....weird.... Type doesn't like them so why?"
Tia shrugged, then he grabbed Tuns hand to pull.
"Don't think about them, I want you to see your room."
Has he pulled his parents looked to another then turned there heads, to look to them.
"Keep the door open!"
Tia chuckled.
"Okay!" He yelled back.
Going to the room, rather the door was open or not, he placed tun to the wall, to place his hands to his face to give him a deep kiss, tun placed his hands to tia chest to push him back.
"Tia! The door is opened"
"I know, that is all I'm going to do, will have to wait until they fall asleep."
Tia wrapped his arms about his new boyfriend, to grin, tun placed his hand to his waist to raise an eye brow.
Tia, you are not has innocent has I first thought.
Then a slow smile crossed his face, he liked that fact.
He leaned his head down to place his lips back to his. They then parted to laugh, riza had peeked in to then turn to yell.
"There clothes are still on, but there kissing."
They eyed the other to roll there eyes.
"Let's get back down, this is going to be new for me, parents that care."
Tia took his arms away to hold his hand.
"You have no idea, let's go defuse this situation."
Tun nodded to be pulled with a smile. This was a very new experience for him, a happy home, he had never had that before.
To the car, type and tharn got out to then walk to the bar, type eyed tharn.
"Your.... Not going to drink are you?'
Tharn turned his head to eye type.
"Neither of us are right?"
Type smiled to nod.
"But type, tun is right, why are we here? I haven't really asked you."
Tharn then moved closer to place his hand to his butt to give it a squeeze.
"Doesn't help you've been distracting me with this."
Type lightly chuckled to keep looking forward.
"Just want.... To see how there doing."
Tharn then took his hand off to keep looking to type.
"And this doesn't have anything to do with what I told you about eudi and yuta?"
Type kept a straight face.
"Not.... At all."
Tharns eyes narrowed.
"Your a bad liar type."
They stopped before the door to look to the other.
"If that was true, we would have dated way earlier." Type smirked to open the door, tharn watched to sign.
What is going on through your head? Eudi? Yuta? I'm sorry, didn't think when I talked to type about this.
Going in, tharn was a bit confused to what type was going to try and accomplish with this.
Going to the table, they saw eudi with his arm to yutas shoulder looking to him, yuta kept his head forward, to have his cup to his hand to look forward, damino was there, sitting forward with a girl to his leg, he had his mouth to her ear, she smiled to giggle.
Type and tharn went to sit, damino kept talking to the girl, eudi kept his eyes to yuta to then bring a finger to his ear to trace with a smile. Yuta signed. Types eyes narrowed and tharn looked to him.
What are you going to do type?
"Come on yuta, you know you want it." He said it a bit loud.
Yuta turned his head to eye.
"We are out in public, shut up...."
Yuta still hadent came out yet, only tharn, tun, damino and type knew he was gay but he was keeping it under raps.
Eudi smiled wider.
"Then.... Let's go to the bathroom, couldn't get a girl here so...... Come on, let me bend you over and....." He said a bit loud again.
They then turned there heads to look to type, damino pulled his tongue out of the girls ear to turn his head to listen, tharn made a face, yuta straightened up to widened his eyes, eudi looked to type with wide eyes.
He had stood to place his hands palm down to the table, eyeing eudi intentally.
"Knock it off, he is not interested, leave him alone and go be with a girl, since your so "straight"
Before yuta could react, eudi forgot to fake being drunk, to then mimick types position to eye him in anger.
"You have no fucking clue what you are talking about, mind your own business!"
Yuta turned his head to eye eudi to place his drink down to narrow his eyes.
You asshole! Thought you were drunk! Not even slurring your words.
Type took a deep breathe in.
"No, you are an asshole! Leave yuta alone, he deserves way better then a closeted cheater!"
Yuta widen his eyes to look to type, tharn made a face.
God damnit type!
Eudi narrowed his eyes further in anger to then lean forward to place his hands to types collar.
"You little shit!"
That is when things went from bad to worse in a matter of seconds.

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