here we go again

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Waking the next morning, tharn had a pounding headache, turning to his side, from his stomach, he placed a hand to his forehead to rub.
Mmm..... shit.....I drink too much.....
Turning slowly, he laid to his back to close his eyes to wince, making a disgusted noise.
Taking a very long deep breathe, he slowly got up, feeling his stomach churn he ran to the bathroom to stick his head in the toilet.
Once he was done, he was over the sink, brushing his teeth, head hung, to sign.
It was Friday, where type and this other were going to go on there first date. Since Monday, the two became inseparable, he didn't know if they were already dating, however it was the same has the other times.
The only thing tharn couldn't wait for was the two to break up, so type could be his, even if it was for that one day.
Spitting, tharn placed his tooth brush back to eye himself.
Tonight..... There going to be going on the first date...... That boy is going to be.....
Taking a deep breathe, tharn shook his head to then part to then go to the bedroom to dress, thinking of calling someone to be a semi distraction, until type hopefully was to be broken up with. Tharn held a secret of what he did to those other two men, and he only did something real to type.
Taking a long breathe, he stood before his bed to then place a hand to his forehead to rub.
This headache......
Flexing his jaw, he didn't want to take care of it himself, he knew once he went to school type would do it. He relished in the fact even though type might be with someone else, he still took good care of tharn.
Signing, tharn placed his hand down to look to the floor.
Your..... Friends..... That's what friends do..... He only cares about you because of that.....
Tharn gritted his teeth, to then turn to gather his back pack to then leave in frustration.
Going to school, he parked to sign, driving with a hangover sucked.
Getting out, he slung his back pack to his shoulder to walk to school.
To there table, type picked at the breakfest he made for himself, to Cock his head, waiting.
The boy next to him, eyed type to then turn his head to then drink his soda.
"Thank you...... For doing this...... I'm sorry for....."
The boy placed his soda down to eye.
"It's no problem...... Least your honest..... Well..... To me..... Can't believe you dated moko for 5 years with this little....."
Turning his head, type looked to the side to see tharn coming.
His eyes lit up, to then place his hands palm out to look to the other.
The boy turned his head to look to the action.
The boy signed to roll his eyes to then place his hand into types. They then both smiled.
Rounding the corner, tharn stopped to them look up, he took in a deep breathe in to then continue.
Stepping to the table, he went to the other side to sit, eyeing the two.
"So..... How are you two love birds fairing?"
Type kept his eyes to them to shrug with a smile, turning his head he looked to tharn, his lips parted, he didn't look so good.
Letting go of his hand, he went to his back pack that was too the table to get out some aspirins.
Tharn smirked, he looked to the other to grit his teeth.
The boy looked to tharn with narrowed eyes to then smirk, he then placed his arm around his shoulder to then pull type to his body. Tharns eyes widen, to look at them in anger and jealousy.
Type took a deep breathe to then take out the aspirin and the breakfest he made to hand them to tharn.
"You.... Need to stop drinking so.much tharn, your on your way to an early grave."
Tharn eyed the things to shrug.
"He's right, I don't know you that well, but...."
Tharn looked to him, then type, seeing there close embrace, his stomach was feeling worse.
"What do you care? Seems like yourll be just fine without me, hope your date tonight is very special."
Tharn then took his things type gave to him, to then get up to go to class.
Type watched him go to sign. He then looked to the boy to shuffle himself out.
"That..... Was to much...... He is very sick.... And....."
Getting further away, tharn went to the bathroom, he placed the things type gave to him in his back pack, to now be hunched over the sink, getting the edges.
Why can't I stop being so..... Pathetic! Every time he is single, why don't I just ask him out! Tell him, type, I love you, I fully realized my feelings for you when were 13 but knew I loved you when I first protected you!
Tharn closed his eyes to shake a bit.
God fucking damn it!
Turning abruptly, he grabbed his back pack from the floor, to then leave, he was not going to go to class.
To class, type went in, looking about he signed, then wasent there.
It..... Was to much.....
Shrugging, he went to pick a seat to sit.
To his place, tharn was to his couch, he had taken the aspirins and was eating the meal type made for breakfest.
Finishing it off, he placed it to his table, to them lay down to wrap his arms about his body to look to the turned off television.
This..... Is pure torture..... Plain and simple......
Closing his eyes, he couldn't help but fall asleep.
Waking a few hours later, he got up, to stand, head hung, hand to his forehead, he was hungry.
Going to the kitchen, he looked about to see only alcohol. Signing, he thought about having an alcohol dinner but decided against it.
Closing the fridge, there was a grocery store not far from him. He also needed the walk, so he could get some fresh air.
He knew right then type was probably on his date, it was 7 at night.
Going to the store, he looked about, nothing seemed good.
Walking away, he went down another aisle, he was starting to re think an alcohol dinner.
Rounding the corner he stopped dead.
Taking a deep breathe, he stepped to him.
Type didn't move, he just kept looking over the alcohol bottles.
"Type? What are you doing here?"
This was a bit odd for tharn, type lived about 20 minutes off, he didn't understand why he would be there. Not getting an answer he pinched him to his arm.
Type looked to the action then to him.
Tharn looked him over intently.
"I asked you a question. What are you doing here?"
Type gritted his teeth to then turn his head to eye the bottles.
'what...... Would you..... Recommend.... For a broken heart?"
Tharns eyes widen.
"Really? You two..... Broke up?"
Type nodded.
"In..... The movie theater.... He got..... grabby..... He took me to the one...... That's by your place......I ran off then came here..... You didn't go to class... So thought you were.... Probably hanging out with your....... So I didn't want to disturb you." Type lied.
Tharn looked about to then place his chin to his shoulder to look forward.
"Mmm, there.... All good for that..... But.....I think....I know.... Something.... That could be better then getting drunk......"
Tharn wrapped his arms around, one went down to his pants to unzip. Type breathed hard, then he looked down, eyes widen.
"Tharn.... What are you doing?" He hissed.
Tharn turned his head to smirk, has he placed a hand in to move it over his member that grew hard.
"Taking....... Care of my broken friend..... Let us..... Pick up something for dinner then......"
He started to move his hand up and down.
Type breathed shaikly, to then peer his eyes to him.
"O..... Kay......"
Tharn smiled wide, to then take his hand out, to zip up, to place his hand around his wrist to pull.
Type looked to the action to grimace for his deceit, but knew there was no other way, he wanted to be with tharn, in that one way. It was where he felt even closer to him.
Picking up something for them, they then went to tharns apartment, hand in hand, they went straight in to finish the food quickly to then get right to it.

painful friendshipWhere stories live. Discover now