all started on the soccor field

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Looking down, tharn (12), moved the ball underneath his foot, a bit around. He was waiting for the game to start.
Peering his eyes up, he and the team, who were circled about, looked up to see the coach bring another member.
He was thin, looked to be about tharns height, lanky looked a bit uncomfortable, chewing the side of his inner cheek has he was pushed to the others.
The coach kept his hand to his shoulder to look to the rest of the members.
"For this game, you are getting another team member, since 67 is sick, this boy will take his place. Please welcome him."
Turning the coach called to the referee to then walk to them.
They looked about, feeling very akward and uncomfortable. The others eyed him, one went to him to look him up and down..
"You don't look like a good soccor player, you probably trip all the time, the boy who was 67 was very very good."
Placing his hand to there chest, he pushed him back, he fell to look up on his forarms.
"See..... Just falls over.... Were going to lose the...."
Kicking the ball to his knee, he bent to rub.
"Ooow, what the...."
Tharn moved about to then stand in the middle.
"Now listen to me 27, you need to be kinder. Stop being so mean to the new guy. Go and take care of that knee."
He placed his hand down to step to tharn, his friends went to his sides to hold him back.
"Come on tran, your on your last strike, leave them be."
Signing, he turned with his friends to go to the bench, tharn rolled his eyes to then turn to hold out a hand.
"I'm sorry about that, the other 67 was his friend."
They looked to the hand to then place there's in his to be pulled to a standing position.
"Mm, sorry.....I don't trip though.... At least.... Not that much..... Thank you..... For that."
Tharn nodded to smile, hearing the whistle, they all turned there heads to circle, hearing the coach plan.
Has the match started, tharn kicked the ball about, seeing an opening, he looked to 67, surprised, he was right there to help, the whole rest of the game, it looked like the two were in sync with the other, by the end, there team had won the match.
Jumping, tharn went to them to give a high five to then hold there hand.
"You were impressive out there, it's like you and I have been practicing for months."
They smiled and wide.
"I know right, it was so weird. I'm happy I could help this team win."
Lowering the hands, tharn didn't know why, but he didn't seem to want to let go, this action was making him feel something weird.
Stepping a bit closer, he was wanting to do what his parents did, however, they looked to the side, to see his parents, plus siblings rush to them.
Tharn looked to there hands still holding to let go, chuckling embarrassed under his breathe.
They looked to him then to his family.
"Your.... Late, did any of you...."
His mother walked to him, to place her hands to his shoulders.
"Oh honey, I'm so sorry...... We blew a tire..... Is your grandpa still here, did he...."
He shook his head.
"No, he had to leave before the match."
His sister then stepped to him, with her brother right behind.
"Did you win?"
They turned there head to eye tharn, they all looked to him.
"Yes.... We did win, it was all thanks to him...."
His mother then hugged him tight, to then step to turn to his father to talk, his brother and sister then went to get a ball to play.
Tharn placed his hand to the back of his head, still feeling odd, to then step to them.
"Um....." He cleared his throat.
They turned to eye.
"Can I..... Have your...."
Before he could finish, tharns sister came to him.
"Well, that was an awesome match. Happy you won, come on, let's go."
Tharn lowered his hand to turn to eye her.
"Um..... Was dad and mom able to....."
She shook her head.
"No, I'm sorry...... They were stuck at work."
Tharn made a face to nod. She then fixed her bag to step to him with a hand out.
"Well, come on, need to take you home."
Tharn signed to turn, he wanted to get there number. Looking back, they were already half way off the field with the family.
Making a face, tharn turned his body, to then move around his older sister, not knowing why, but he felt very sad.
To there house, tharn sat to swirl his food.
His sister looked up to eye.
"Tharn.... You know our parents can get busy. Don't be this upset over it."
"It's..... Not that..... Well not all.....I wanted to get there phone number."
She raised her eye brow.
Widening his eyes, he didn't mean to say that part out loud.
"Mmm, no one...... I'm full..... Just want to go to bed..... Tomorrow is orientation."
Hoping down, he tried to mine past his sister to just be caught, he looked to her.
"Are...... You wanting that one boys number? The one you kept playing so we'll with, I've never seen him before."
Tharn furrowed his eye brows softly.
Her eyes narrowed.
"Tharn...... Do you...... Have a crush on....."
He took his arm away to really eye intently to his sister.
"What are you talking about, he's a boy......"
She shrugged.
"And? Tharn, given the choice would you have a crush on boy or a girl like me?"
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"Why would I have a crush on a girl like you. I'm.... Tired....i went to go to sleep."
Moving about, he went to the sink to place his dishes away, to then go to his room, his sister watched him go..
"Your not saying you wouldn't have a crush on a boy tharn."
"Shut up!" He yelled over his shoulder, has he got to his room, he slammed the door.
She turned in her chair, to hang her head chuckling.
Can't believe my younger brother could be gay. That's so cute.
Going to his bed, he laid down to look to the ceiling, arms wrapped to shake his head a bit.
Liking boys...... I've heard isn't natural.... Isn't a good thing but.......I...... Think I do..... Man.....I wish I could have gotten his number..... Probably never going to see him again..... Don't even know his name.....
Turning tharn went to sleep a bit confused, angry and mad at himself.
The next morning, his sister teased him a bit before she took him to school.
To the school grounds, he got his papers to then go to his friends to smile.
Hearing a familiar voice, he turned to widened his eyes, it was 67.
"Yes, I'm type repurto, the new student."
Grabbing his papers, he turned to half his head, seeing shoes come into view, he looked up to see tharn.
"Oh..... Hi..... What are you..."
"This is my school. Are you..... Going here?"
"Yes I am. Just fully moved here. What about you?"
"Oh I've always been here. Um...... Can I see your class list?"
He nodded to give it to him, tharns eyes widen.
All the same classes but one, this is so lucky.
Giving them back to him, tharn held his hand out.
"Well, I'm tharn plerto, didn't introduce myself at the field."
Type placed his hand into his to shake.
Tharns lips parted has he felt that weird emotion again, whatever it was, it made his heart beat erratically.
"I'm type repurto."
Tharn nodded.
"Do you..... Have a phone? Can I have your phone number?"
Type took his hand back, to eye tharn.
Tharn stepped closer. Type looked him over to gulp.
"So..... We can become..... Friends..... Is that okay..... Here is my phone number."
He rattled off and numbers, types eyes widen to then retrieve his phone to press them in.
He then looked to tharn to do the same, tharn then took his phone out to plug then in.
Moving about, he placed his arm around types shoulder to pull him along. He smiled wide, tharn didn't know why but being this close to him, have him butterflies, unknown to him, type felt the same.
"Well, let's be the best of friends, come with me, I would like to introduce you to some more."
Type looked to tharn to smile wide.
"Thank you so much, at my other school i didn't have any friends."
Tharn nodded.
"While, that just means stick close to me, your going to be surrounded, trust me."
Type hung his head to look to the ground.
"I may not fully know you, but I trust you."
That made tharns heart soar.
Pulling him to his circle of friends, tharn knew this was the start of something grand, or so he thought. He didn't know what would lay ahead for the two of them.

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