didn't know, being a gentleman would cost me dearly

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After that day, the boys "friendship" took a more clingy turn, throughout the year, they were only able to experiment and practice upon another 5 times, and it would only happen when they snuck in each other's rooms.
His sister was livid when she found out tharn had stayed over to types house and no one was there, unknown to the boys, his sister had been telling the parents for years, something was between the two and they needed to be vigilant.
Seeing type, during that week, tico could read on his face something had happened, it also didn't help they acted very akward around the other. Taking action, the parents gave the boys a firm set of rules.
They couldn't meet unless tico was about and in the room, they also couldn't spend the night with each other for a bit. The first two months to that was hard for them, after they got over the akwardness, tharn wanted try again to show type how he felt, he didn't know why but he just couldn't say his true feeling, his main way of thinking was this, he didn't want to lose type, in any capacity.
By the third month of having his sister consistent around, or types brother and sister about, they were able to go back to there sleep overs, the first one they snuck to the bathroom to be alone while tharns sister slept, tharn was able to talk type into practicing kissing, he was more then fine to go along with it, after that, when they could, type would try to hold there hands, lay to him and was a bit more then just a friend.
Tharn didn't complain about any of it, also unknown to tharn, type started to think they were in a down low relationship, he also thought they both didn't want to affect there friendship so they both wouldn't say a thing.
That's when, when they could, they started to practice and experiment once more, however they never were able to really be alone, tico and types brother and sister are always about. Even when they had there sleep overs they couldn't be in tharns room, they were confined to the living room, with tico to the couch, when they went to types, the same thing would occur, except his brother and sister would be there too.
There parents, even though they weren't always there, listen to tico and even though they were fine with there boys maybe dating, without tharn and type going to them to say they were, they were taking precautions to minimize any hurt feelings between them.
Even though tico thought they were dating, the parents weren't so sure, thus they didn't want them to be alone. However, during that year, they found a way, but it was just 5 times for "experiment" with the other and they practice kiss when they could to the school and in a bathroom.
On the eve of his 16th birthday, after his party, his parents made everyone leave, including type.
Tharn was to the couch, arms wrapped, with a scowl, he was starting to get very tired of this.
Tico came in rummaging through her bag about to go to work. He looked to her.
"This..... Isn't fair..... Why couldn't type stay? Your going to the hospital, mom and dad are working..... I'm..... Going to be all alone."
Tico took a deep breathe in to turn to eye.
"First, it's a Sunday, you have school tomorrow, second you know you two can't be......"
Tharn raised his eye brow.
"Why....... I've been pretty obedient over this...... Why can't we be alone? He isn't a girl...... Not like I can get him. Pregnant or anything...... Were just......"
Tharn gritted his teeth his eyes peered down.
Tico fully turn to eye.
"Your just....."
Tharn took a deep breathe to stand to go to tico.
"Were just friends.....I.... Don't understand....."
Tico rolled her eyes to laugh, then she turned, tharn watched with confused eyes.
"Uh huh..... Your just friends.....hmm....mmm.... I'll see you tomorrow after my shift."
Hearing the door lock, tharn raised an eye brow.
Shaking his head he didn't have time to think about this, running to his bedroom window, he opened to look down to laugh a bit.
Type was to the bush, crouched, breathing into his hands, he was very cold. Tharn then made a noise, type looked up to look to him with narrowed eyes. Moving about, he then raised his arms.
"Help me up."
Tharn nodded to go through the window a bit to then help him up and through.
Type came in, to go to the wall to take deep breathes, then he cupped his hands to his mouth to breathe into.
"Damn it's cold........ Been waiting for an hour....."
Tharn looked him over to smile then went to him to place his hand over his to rub.
Types eyes widen to then lean his head back to eye.
"Well, my sister wouldn't leave, I don't know why. She kept looking around......"
He shrugged.
Type looked over tharn.
I...... Think it's because she knew I was going to come back......
Warming his hands, they lowered them, to look to the other darting there eyes.
"Well..... If your really cold..... We could..... Take a shower and....."
Type hung his head, ears turned bright red.
In. All there experimenting, type has yet to see all of tharn, he held it back though because he wanted to declare themselves has boyfriend's, not just thinking they were before they did something like that.
"I'm fine......."
Tharn then raised an hand to caress his cheek to make him look. Up.
"Can I...... Give you a..... Practice kiss? Since you waited outside for so long......I feel very bad about that, don't want my.... Best friend here...... To get sick."
Type took a deep breathe, his face fell a bit to that word but nodded.
Tharn instantly moved in, to place his lips to his then his tongue for them to swirl them about. There "practice kiss" become more intense over the year.
Parting, tharn then took his hand to his to lead him out.
Type looked to the action to feel butterflies.
"Well, if you don't want to take a shower to get warm..... Since tomorrow I turn 16, I want...... To do something..... Just a bit..... Bad...."
Type looked to tharn a bit confused.
"What are you talking about?"
Leading type to the kitchen, he let go of his hand, to go to his parents liquor cabinet.
Type leaned his head back to eye has he came back with a bottle.
"You.... Want to.... Drink?"
He nodded.
Maybe if I drink...... I'll have the courage to finally tell you how I feel....I'm...... Sick of us being just friends..... Us not having any time actually to be alone.... We have.... Been acting like a couple for the past year
....I want to make it real...... Make...
you my boyfriend....... Maybe being under the influence..... It'll help.... I'm..... Tired of this so called practice kissing..... Tired of just jerking the other off......i..... Want to lose my virginity to him and vise versa......I love you type....
Type looked over tharn, who held the bottle, with furrowed eye brows. Making a face he went to it, to grab. Tharn looked to him..
"I guess..... We can..... But only a little..... I've heard of hangovers...... We have school tomorrow."
Type unscrewed the bottle to then take a swig his eyes widen to then hand it to tharn. He held it, to look to type, who turned to place a hand to his mouth to make a disgusted noise.
Tharn laughed.
"Type.... Your not suppose to drink right out of a bottle..... Not when your new to it.... Need mixers....."
Type placed his hand to the counter to look to tharn.
"How am I suppose to know, I don't drink."
Tharn chuckled to do just that.
Type turned his head to eye. He had a plan. Unknown to tharn, he thought the same way. He was tired of this, and he hoping being under the influence would help.
Awhile later, the two were to the couch, half the bottle was gone, after a joke the two couldn't stop laughing.
Tharn then moved forward, to grab the cup to consume more, type had his body leaned to the couch, he turned his head to eye tharn, breathing a bit heavily.
He nodded to place the drink down.
Type then gulped to lean forward.
He turned his head to eye type.
"Yes?" He lightly chuckled.
Type then looked to his lips..
"Can we....... For real kiss...... Want you to be...... My first......"
Tharns eyes widen, his breathes came out quick.
Tharn..... This is your chance..... Tell him..... Your first practice kiss was real..... Tell him your in love with him...... Tell him you want to date......
Tharn gritted his teeth.
"Type....I..... Need to tell you...."
Peering his eyes up, type smiled.
Reaching his arm over, he wanted to take a fake drink, like he had done for several hours. He knew tharn, knew there was a reason for drinking, type only took a few real sips but had been faking, which was unknown to tharn.
Turning there heads, type accidently spilled it, causing tharn to think type was blacked out drunk.
He took a deep breathe in to sign.
I..... Want to tell you type..... But not like this.....I.... Also Can't kiss you.....or do anything..... Your drunk......
Type then tried to go forth to grab a napkin to clean, but tharn placed his hands to him to make type lay to his lap.
Tharn looked forward to eye the wall.
"Your drunk...... Haha...... Remember friends don't real kiss....."
Types eyes widen to then close.
Taking deep breathes, he fought against the tears. Moving up, tharn watched him, type hung his head, to grip the couch edges.
"I'm...... Tired....... Drink..... By yourself....."
Type then got up, to go to tharns room, to get out the sleeping bag to go into it, he let the tears fall.
Tharn was to the couch, leaned into it, head turned to eye the hallway.
I hope......I didn't make him...... Feel bad or...... Just...... This isn't the way to go..... This was a bad plan..... The alcohol.... Wasent the way...... I'll...... Find another....
Tharn turned his head to move forward to consume all of his cup, to then clean the mess.
Placing the bottle back he signed looking to it.
I hope..... Type knows..... I'm just trying to be......a gentleman..... Not trying to.... Take advantage of him.... Not while drunk......
Signing, tharn turned to stumble to his room to flop to his bed, patting, he then leaned up confused.
"Type..... Why are you.... To the floor..... Not...."
Type moved the sleeping bag over his head.
"Leave...... Me alone..... Go to sleep."
Tharn signed to move to his back,
Ill.... Make it up to you type..... Know your..... Mad..... I'm.... Sorry..... I'm such a coward.....
Turning his head, he couldn't help but pass out.
Type took deep breathes, to then move the sleeping bag down to get up to eye.
Seeing he was asleep, type took a deep breathe in to get up to then go home.
Thoughts swirled in his head he also wanted to do some research into a few things.
What just happened, how tharn was, confused him, made him question if they were anything other then just friends.
To the door, he looked back to eye.
"Happy..... Birthday tharn......I......"
Type hung his head to then leave, uttering the painful words to his heart, the ones he had been saying to himself since he was 12.
I love you.

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