it was a good idea to play hooky

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After there incredible round, type was to his stomach, arms under his head, which was turned, eyes closed, with a huge smile, he breathed in and out, softly. Tharn was to his side, head in his hand, looking at types naked back, to run his finger tips up and down a bit sensually, he was still a bit in shock with what had occurred.
Type took a deep breath in, to turn his head to look to tharn. He kept his eyes to the action with a small smirk to his lips.
"Mmm, tharn?"
Type took a deep breathe, making tharns fingers to up and down.
"We..... Still need to discuss some things."
Tharn nodded.
"That's why I said we should take the day off, I'm actually a bit surprised you didn't fight against that." He lightly chuckled.
Type shrugged.
"One day, hopefully won't matter..... If it does I'll Blame you, so don't worry."
They both then lightly chuckled.
"So..... Tharn..... Why did you make up...... The make out king thing in high school?"
"Mm, it was because after you started to date moko, you just wouldn't leave me be, kept saying I need to date someone else, needed to be with someone, so I made it up, my friends you hated in high school helped a bit."
Type peered his eyes down.
"It..... Was because, everytime I came near you with..... Him..... You looked so sad and pissed, was it because you loved me and didn't want to say anything?"
Tharn moved his finger tips in circles to the middle of his back.
"Why did you date moko type?"
Type looked up to eye tharn with an eye brow raised.
"Well, what was it you were going to say that one day before he came about?"
Tharn rolled his eyes to look to type.
"I'll tell you that when you tell me about your actual truth."
Type rolled his eyes to turn his head to look forward.
"I have already said it. I love you and I was a virgin when we...... First....."
Tharn took a deep breathe to eye the action once more.
"I was going to tell you that one day I loved you but that fucking piece of shit......"
Tharn signed to move to his back, to place a hand behind his head to look to the ceiling.
Type turned his head, then body to lay to his side, to then place his head to his hand to look to tharns face.
"So You want to know why I dated moko?"
Tharn took a deep breathe.
"It was because...... You didn't fight for me, just..... Let it happened, then you did questionable things tharn, I also thought, we were really just friends, so.......I gave moko a chance."
"Why did you stay with him for so long?"
Type shrugged.
"It manily was because you weren't around and I got lonely. I did not love him and I told him this, that's why, over the last year um..... He ended up.... Cheating on me twice....."
Tharns eyes opened wide to then turn back to his side to then mimick types position.
"That bastard! Why didn't you leave then?"
Type looked to the bedding that was between them.
"When I heard you lost your virginity to some random person..... It..... Broke my heart tharn..... In the back of my mind I always wanted us to..... Place like I said you were always with those friends of yours after school.....I..... Didn't want to be alone."
Tharn gritted his teeth.
"Mmm, so..... What all did you do with...."
"Do you really want to know?"
He gulped, to shrug.
"Just kiss..... Held hands.......I did give him. A hand job a few He tried to give me a..... Blow.... Um..... But I never got um.....'
Type then looked up to see tharn burst in laughter.
"Hahaha, that's what the cheating bastard gets."
Tharn then looked down, to eye types limp member.
He smirked to then looked to type.
"I'm sure...... If I just touch your..... It'll....."
Type raised an eye brow.
"Tharn.... Were not done..... Hey!"
Tharn looked back down, to take a finger, to run it from his head to base, type instantly got hard, reaching a hand up, he grabbed a pillow to place over, to look at tharn in a bit of anger.
"Tharn! We are not done talking."
Tharn chuckled to look to type.
"This just makes me..... So delighted type, moko touched you there and couldn't make you rise, but one touch from me...... Well...."
Tharn took his hand down to grab the pillow to throw.
Type went to his back to place his hands to his eyes to sign..
"Damn it tharn!"
Tharn kept his eyes to his member. Even though they just had a round about 2 hours prior he was wanting more.
Moving closer, he then placed his hand to his head, to swirl two fingers about, type quivered..
"Mmm, tharn!"
He lightly chuckled.
Moving closer he moved his head closer, he peered his eyes to type, to then take his tongue out, to lick about.
Type moaned.
"Talk type....... I'll lick....."
Type took deep breathes.
"It's hard to...... Do that when you are.....mmm....hh..... Hey.... You said lick...... You......ah god!"
Tharn slowly moved his mouth over his head to suck, taking A hand down he couldn't help but stroke himself off.
Type breathed heavily.
Tharn then took his mouth off to speak.
"Bend your legs up."
Type didn't just that.
Tharn placed two fingers to his mouth to wet, to then place into his cavity to thrust in and out, to then place his mouth back on, types twitching and pre cummed ozzed cock, to then stroke his own member with velocity.
Type took his hands back to grip the head board, to lift his head back to moan in pure satisfaction.
"Ah tharn....... You said.....mmm.... Lick..... Not.....ah...... Not mmm.... Enough.... Please..... Can you....."
Tharn didn't need to be asked, he already knew what type was wanting.
Moving about, he went in between to lather himself with saliva to then go straight in, both there heads Lift further up.
They both moaned sweetly into the air.
Tharn placed his hands to types length to stroke.
Type then leaned up, to wrap his arms around to place his mouth immediately on his. The two kissed with fierceness.
Taking his tongue out, tharn went to his neck to plant kisses.
Type gripped tighter to place his head to his shoulder to moan. Tharn thrusted and hard with his grinding, he then peered his eyes to type.
"Mm type?"
"Mmmm.......hmm? Ah god tharn.... I'm going to....."
Tharn went to his ear to ask a question.
Types eyes opened wide, he then leaned back to eye tharn.
Tharn then took one hand up to his throat to grip a bit.
"So..... What's your....mmm..... Gonna fill you type......"
Type bite into his lower lip to eye tharn.
"Will....mmm.... See after we...... Talk everything......"
Type then tensed, to place his head back to his shoulder, tharn took that one hand to his head, palm down to swirl about has his other hand stroked. They both tensed to cum.
Tharn went to his ear.
"I.... Want an answer type...... Espacially since I've made you cum and..... Came within you again....."
Type took deep breathes to control his fluttering heart.
He leaned back to eye tharn once again, the eyes darted.
Looking down, types stomach growled then tharns.
"We need to talk tharn....... But other then..... Eating one another..... We need to eat food...." He lightly chuckled.
"Mmm, you know I don't like to wait type...."
Type rolled his eyes to dis connect them to then get up to place on some clothes, grabbing tharns, he threw them at him, he then moved to the door frame.
"You waited 9 years to tell me you love me so...... You can wait for that answer, it'll happen after we get everything out. Now..... I'm going to go she make your favorite meal."
Type smiled to then leave.
Tharn took a deep breathe to then flop to his back to place his hand over his eyes.
Damn it type......I know that but...... It took me 9 years to say that to you and...... To ask..... If you'rll be my boyfriend.......god damn it why won't you just tell me.....
Signing tharn got up to then get off the bed to dress, to go to type.
Fine, you want to talk, let's talk then I want to know your answer.

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