need to talk to tia

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Going to class, tharn was a bit happy this was the only one he didn't have with type, he needed to think about how he was going to approach this.
Should I tell type? What if I'm wrong? There are a bunch of people out there, someone has to be called tia too, and there are a few people that have types facial features, mmm, I think I should try to talk to tia first, this could all be a mistake if identity, I know tia can be a bit of a brute sometimes but he is a sweet heart.
Tharn nodded to then get comfortable in his seat.
Yes this has to be a mistake, this can not be types brother.
Sitting in class, tharn was delighted it went by quick, going to types class for the waited for him to come out for them to walk to the bus stop, type then sat to, look forward.
"Type, are you sure I can't drive you to work?"
Type turned to eye tharn.
"No, I'm going to go home then relax a bit before I have to go, my shift does not start till an hour, and after seeing tun, I want to take a shower, he made me remember that night."
Type shuttered.
Tharn nodded.
"Mmm, type? To distract you from this situation, how is your brother and sister?"
"There fine, my sister helped my dad out of the hospital and my brother, I don't know, mom said he has been acting a bit weird, keeps going out and staying out late, she texted me while I was in class, apperently he didn't come home yesterday until 4 in the morning, he just strolled in and slept the day away" type shrugged.
Tharns eyes widen.
Oh shit! No, come on, this cant be possible.
"Oh..... Um type? I know this is a bit weird to ask but, your brother is straight right? Has a girlfriend?"
Type stood to eye the bus that was coming.
"No, he told he he was bi and nope no girlfriends, why do you ask?"
Tharn signed to shrug to step closer to type.
"No reason, go home, relax, we need to start thinking how we are going to go about our move in."
Type turned to eye, a smile Spread across his face.
Tharn looked about, seeing no one, but the bus coming, he stepped forward to place his lips to type.
Parting there eyes darted.
"See you soon"
Type nodded.
Turning he then got on the bus to leave.
Tharn took a deep breathe to sign watching the bus leave, he then walked to his car.
God damn it! This can not be fucking true! Tun can not be talking about types, little brother, no fucking way.
Getting in his car, tharn called his work to tell them he was going to be a little late, he lied stating his car broke down.
Next, he went to yours parents home, tharn could tell when that boy lied, he wasent that good at it.
Knocking to the door, he wrapped his arms about, to chew at his cheek.
This all has to be wrong, please let it be....
Widening his eyes, tia opened the door with tired eyes.
"Oh tharn, what are you doing here? Type isn't...."
Tharns eyes narrowed.
"I'm not here for type, um..... May I ask, why are you so tired looking?"
Tia strightened up to place his hand to his neck to rub.
"No..... Reason why?"
Tharn signed looking him over.
"Tia..... I'm not going to beat around the bush, were you with someone called tun last night?"
Tias body tensed.
"How..... Do you know that?"
Tharn turned to place his hand to the bridge of his nose to pinch.
"Ah, god, this is true! Tia no, just no, he is not a good guy, you need to stay away from him."
Tia lowered his hand to look with anger to tharn.
"What I do in my personal life is not for you to decide! I can be with whoever I want! Who are you to tell me to stay away from them! You know, Maybe, if you grew a sack, you could be happy like me and be with my brother, you two are so obvious. Now if you don't mind, I am tired and need to help my dad!"
Tia then slammed the door, he didn't like how tharn was talking about tun.
Tharn moved his hand down to turn to eye the door, he signed.
Ah shit! This is such a mess, tia just has no idea.
Turning tharn needed to go to work. Has he coded he started to think on what to say to type, he was not going to keep this from him. Done, tharn went to types to walk slowly, he had to tell type about this brother and tun and apperently he knew of them, this was a reason why he stopped talking to his sister, he didn't believe her when she told him type liked him more then a friend, now he also had to tell her there dating.
Grabbing the spare out, he took a deep breathe in.
Going in, he placed everything down, to then go to the kitchen, smelling something delicious he eyed the table with wide eyes. Looking up type came about with a tray with a turkey to it to place to the table to eye.
"I know, it's a bit much but, today we're going to talk about moving in with each other, I can't wait tharn, after what happened Sunday, I really want to have a good night."
Tharn signed.
Stepping closer, tharn turned type to place his hands to either side of his face.
"You really didn't need to do this."
Type shrugged to bring his hands up to wrap about his wrists, there eyes darted.
"This is a perk of dating me, I like to cook. You are very lucky."
Type then moved his head forward to place his lips to his, tharn couldn't help but move with his.
Picking up type, tharn could not hold back, type was being very sexy and seductive right now.
Placing type close to the turkey, there kissing grew quicker, more passionate.
They parted for tharn to go to his neck to leave kisses. Type smiled to moan. He wrapped his arms to tharns back.
"I love you tharn, no more hiding it, no more secrets."
Tharn stopped kissing to sign, he moved a bit back.
"Yeah..... No more secrets..... Type.....I need to tell you something and it's.... Bad."
Types eyes widen to turn his head to eye tharn.
"You..... Don't want to move in with...."
Tharn leaned further away to shake his head, hands to either side looking down.
"It's not that, just......I went to your parents home to talk to tia."
Type raised an eye brow.
"Um, apperently him and tun.... Well..... They were together yesterday and."
Type placed his hands to tharns chest to push him off, he stood to eye, type leaned up. He looked to tharn in shock and surprise.

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