blissful week until

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Getting off the phone with tun earlier Sunday, tharn placed the phone to the side table has he sat to the head board to the bed, he turned his head to wrap his arms about to look to type who was laying down, arms wrapped, looking to the wall, hearing there whole conversation.
Minutes seemed to tick by in silence.
Rolling his eyes, tharn grabbed types arms to un wrap them, to then lay to his chest to look up.
"Type......I think tun ment it, I don't think he is going to have anything more to do with tia, so..... Can you drop this attitude?"
Type narrowed his eyes to then look to tharn.
"I swear tharn, if tun was straight and going after your sister, what would you do? How would you feel?"
Tharn signed, he looked to types hand that laid limply to the side to grab to hold to look to it.
"I'd probably kick the living shit out of him but type, there done, nothing more will occur with those two, so....."
Tharn brought there interwined hands to his mouth to start to kiss, then he looked back to type with soft eyes.
Type took a deep breathe to place his arm behind his head to smile.
"You think that?"
"Yes, those two are over.... Now can we think of ourselves? I want to know, how are we going to go about this? I think we need to tell our families were dating."
Type then turned playful.
"Mmm, do we? Is that what were doing? Thought we were only friends....." He said teasly.
Tharn looked to him with narrowed eyes, letting his hand go, he moved himself up to sit to grab the covers to streach them out.
Type placed his hands to tharns chest to start laughing.
"Oh that's it."
Moving quick, tharn pulled the covers over to land to type to tickle and kiss his neck, moving his hands to tharns neck, type moved that mouth to his for them to kiss.
After an excitable morning, the rest of the week was one of the same, the two got into a routine of making breakfest lunch and dinner together, they also after work came home to do there homework together to eat there dinner later to then be a couple, to watch movies, clean the apartment, get in trival bickering fights just to make up later to go to bed together in a tight embrace.
By Saturday, type had called his family to have a dinner with tharns, mainly his sister tico was going to come, his parents were working hectic hours and didn't know if they were going to be able to show, but type and tharn didn't want to hide there relationship, they also had 3 weeks before they had to move in with the other to the new apartment.
Standing before the counter, by lunch, tharn had his arms wrapped around types body to nibble his neck.
Type smiled and wide while he made the food.
"Mm, tharn, think your salivating my neck to much.'
Tharn leaned his head back to nod to then shrug.
He then swayed them to keep looking to the back of types head, he turned to look to tharn.
"I didn't say stop, just go to my other side of my neck."
Tharn smiled to place his lips to his, to then do just that had type looked back down. Tharn then moved his hands to his crotch to move about.
"Mmm, think I need more, we haven't been able to, since we've been so busy type."
"I know, but tharn, we can't, not now, need to eat this then get going, just wait until we come back."
Tharn then moved his hands to under his shirt to move about feeling his warmth.
"Your mean.'
"A bit, but practical, come on, need to eat."
Tharn signed, to then let go to place his arms about to grab the plates to take to the table.
"Rather eat you then food." He mumbled.
Type turned to watch him go, stepping towards tharn he wrapped his arms about to go to his ear.
"Don't you worry tharn, you will after tonight's dinner, I'll give you a great dessert, didn't you see what I bought at the store yesterday?"
Tharn turned his head to eye.
"That, for us?"
Type hugged tharn tighter to nod with glee.
Tharns eyes widen.
"See you can be naughty too, let's hurry and eat, go over there, tell them, then come home."
Type chuckled a bit while they went to the table has they were to consume the lunch, after, they went to types parents while tharn drove holding hands, parked they looked to the other.
"Mm, no matter what they say, still going to be boyfriend's?"
Tharn nodded.
"Type, they know we're gay, were always by the others side, I'm sure they won't care, but if they do, I'm not letting you go. Finally got you, so I'm not going anywhere."
Type smiled to let his hand go to lean forward to wrap his arms about to eye.
"Love you."
"Love you to."
They laid there lips to the others, parting tharn moved his head up.
"Come on, I want to get back home."
"Eager I see, but let me ask, do you want to go home to be with me, or to...."
Type moved his eye brows up and down to click his tongue.
Tharn lightly chuckled.
"Then...... If you think I only want that, then never mind, we can do that later, I want you too not just...."
Type then unbuckled himself to hop on tharns lap to wrap his arms about to press his lips to his, tharn placed his hands to his waist to grip.
Parting type smiled.
"No, we still can, I was teasing tharn."
He smiled.
"I know that, but type, I want to be with you, not to just have sex, you know that right?"
Type nodded.
"I know that, you don't just want me for my body, but...."
Type then looked down to eye tharns.
"I don't know if I can say the same, your body is very impressive."
Tharn lightly laughed.
"So naughty."
Tharn then brought his hand to types neck to pull him down to his lips.
Parting they looked to the other.
"Tharn, I love you, not just for your body."
Tharn nodded..
"I love you too type, and not just for your body, but we should go in before someone comes out."
Type nodded to then move to go out the drivers side door, he kept it open for tharn, has he came out, type closed it for the two, to hold hands until the got to the door.
Inside, types mom was to the kitchen, behind the counter making dinner, sure eyed the two has they looked sweetly to the other, she then clued in what was going on.
They they both sat, type looked to his mom then the bowl.
"What are you making?"
"Your favorites, so..... Why the big dinner? Oh, Your sister and dad are grocery shopping for last minute things, is there anything you need?"
Type Shook his head.
"Well, tharn and I, just have something to tell everyone, um, where's tia?"
His mom nodded to keep whisking.
"Okay and he is probably with his new boyfriend."
Types eyes widen.
Tharn made a pucker face.
"Oh, scratch that, his "friend" that he is seeing, everyday this week after school, before work and after, he has been hanging with someone, can't remember there name."
Type breathed heavily to look to tharn a bit peeved.
Tharn gulped.
"That's it. I haven't met him yet, but how tia talks about him, he seems nice, isn't he one of the boys who helped you move? Isn't he tharns friend?"
Types eyes narrowed.
"Do you know where tun would be tharn?" Type whispered.
"Mm, it's Saturday, late, at work but type....."
Type then stood.
"Take me to him."
His mother stopped whisking to eye type, a bit confused with his deamonor.
Tharn signed to move his hand to him.
"Type, this is not the time, were about to..."
Type took his hand back.
"I'll go there myself then, there's a bus stop around the corner, you stay, eat, I'll be back."
Type turned to leave, tharn signed.
"Tharn? What is going on?"
He looked to types mother.
"Just...... I'll tell you later, I need to go to type."
Getting up, he ran to follow, she stayed to the kitchen looking about very confused.
Picking type up, a block before the bus stop, they drove to tuns work in silence.
Before tharn could talk type down, he was out walking in haste to his job.
Tharn signed to get quickly out.
Tun was inside playing with a child, to then look to tia, he sat criss crossed playing a game.
"Ohhhh, you won again, I think your cheating." He said teasly. Three other kid laughed.
Tun smirked, tia then looked up has the kid pulled the cards to himself to play another game, they both smiled to the other.
Both turning there heads they heard someone stomping, tun let the kid he was holding down, to then go forth, tia placed his hand to the kids upper shoulder to then get up to follow.
Tun stopped to look over type has he came closer.
"Type? What are you...."
Then tuns head went to the side, tia behind him looked to tun and type with a shock expression, tharn who was behind did the same.
Oh shit!

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