figuring this out

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To the hotel, tun sat to the edge of a hotel bed, peering his eyes down, trying to make sense of things, turning his head, he strightened up, to see tia come out, with a towel wrapped around his waist and a towel to his hair, he looked directly to tun has he stepped forward, going to the other side, tia sat, to throw the towel to the dresser, to hang his head to place his hands into his lap, tun looked to him, eyes darted.
"So.... When I saw you shaking..... You were but afriad of me..... But the situation at hand because you have never been in something like that?"
Tia nodded.
He then turned his head to eye tun.
"You don't scare me tun, never have, don't believe you ever will, the only thing that is scaring me right now, is we could really be over...." Tia took in a shaky breathe.
Tuns eyes darted over tia, to turn his head to look forward to tilt it to the side.
"I..... Want to tell you.....a few things that I have never told even my cloest friends, only you are going to know, rather we break up or not, I want you to know."
Tia nodded.
Tun took. A deep breathe in.
"I've..... Only had sex with two people, my first time, was when I was 15, and let me tell you..... It was rape."
Tias eyes widen.
"Mm, I didn't want to do it, we were making out in there room, we had been experimenting a bit with our clothes off, but I was not feeling anything for them, however, they seemed to really want me, or maybe just want it, I don't know, when I tried to leave, they got handcuffs I didn't know they had and they cuffed me to the bed, placed there hands to my mouth to muffle. My screams to ride. After, they threatened bodily harm to me if I ever said anything and...."
"Did you say something? I hope they are in jail, those son of a...." Tia interrupted.
Tun took a deep breathe in.
"After the incident, they moved, when I researched them, they did it again, they are now in jail, but I just let it go, not for them, but for me.'
Tia made a face.
"Now my second time, I didn't until I was 19, we..... Didn't care for another just wanted the sex, and because of what I experienced with my first, I had to be drunk, that's how they little rumor came about, but tia, I only slept with him, I may have flirted with others, but I only went after him at the end, it went on for a year, I never told anyone who they were because we never developed feelings for the other, it was really just about the sex, then..... After one of my father's drunken rages, he beat me so bad, I just wanted to feel something other then pain, so....I called them stupidly over to my home, however, I got blacked out drunk and what happened to me when I was 15, resurfaced, so has they were trying to get me hard to we could.......I apparently started to fight back, has they were on me, my father came back to pull them off, he beat the living shit out of them and me, we both winded up in the hospital, I had to lie and say him and I had gotten in a fight, had to say he tried to rape me to save my father from prison, he begged me so badly to cover up what he had done, not wanting to lose my dad, I moronically did that, I lost that man, and in his self deserved vengeance he started more rumors about me, that's why everyone thinks I'm this giantic wh....."
Tun took a deep breathe in to close his eyes, he felt familiar arms wrapped themselves around him and familiar warmth.
"Oh my......jeez tun! Why didn't you tell me any of this earlier?"
Tun took a deep breathe in, to open his eyes to look down at tia to bring up a hand to stroke his hair, tia looked up at him with a sad expression.
"Because...... You are the only person in this world I have fallen in love with.....tia..... You really are too good a person for me....I don't want us to break up but tia.....I am not healthy for you, I'll just bring you down, this, how I am, really is just to much for you, so, we need to break up and for good this time, please tia, you need to let me go, I love you too much to see you....."
Tia leaned back his eyes darted, tun took his hand away to eye.
"I am not this weak little thing tun, fine, I'll admit what I saw, was a bit over whelming but.....I love you tun..... You are the only person I have ever given my heart too, please.....I don't want us to be done."
Tia leaned further away to then grab Tuns hand to place to his warm cheek.
"Tia...... Why do you love me so much? Just because I was there for you when your brother moved out, I don't get it. Do I remind you of him? Is it because I took your virginity? Tell me, why are you trying so hard for this?"
"Tun, you do not remind me of my brother, that's just...... Ludicrous thinking, yes, my love for you started because I was so close to my brother then he moved out, when I was outside crying you were right there for me, to make it all better, rather you see yourself has such, tun...... You are my light.... When I'm not with you, I am surrounded with self doubt and darkness, I don't want to be without you, has I've said tun, you don't see yourself clearly, and I know once you do, I want to be right there."
Tia then moved Tuns hand to his mouth to kiss at his palm, that's eyes darted.
"I'm.... Still not good for you tia......I don't believe I ever will be."
Tia took his hand down to hold onto his to really eye tun.
"You are plenty great for me tun, I think what you need is to self love, please, let me be there to help you, I've seen you at your work tun, and with others, your always helping everyone else, let me now help you. I love you, please tun, don't shatter my heart."
Tun signed.
"Your an idiot, you know that."
Tun took his hand away to then stand.
Tia turned his head to watch has tun went before him to keep his eyes to him directly, to then take his shirt off.
Tias heart started to race.
Tun then threw his shirt wherever it then go to his pants and boxers to take off, he then leaned over tia to place his hand to his neck to move his thumb up to caress his lips.
Tia took a deep breathe in, his tears welled over.
"You are so...... Very stupid to want to stay with me."
Tia shrugged.
Tun then moved his thumb to then place his lips to his. Tia then moved down to go to his back to place his hands to Tuns to grip at his flesh.
Tun placed his other hand lower to remove that towel to throw to the side.
They parted for tun to go to his neck to leave kisses.
Tia looked to the ceiling.
"I.....mmm..... Want you..... To be in me tun.... Since this is the last time.... We will..... So please..... Make love to me before we have to....."
Tun moved his head back, to then grab onto tia to roll them when he was hovering, tia looked down confused has tun placed his hand to tias erection to start to place him in, to wrap his legs about, eyes to tia.
"Who says, this will be our last time? Highly doubt you can stay away from your boyfriend for a heavy length of time."
Tias  lips parted in shock.
"Were not..... Breaking up?"
Tun placed tia into him, to then move his ass down, to bring that hand up to place both now to his face to bring it closer to his lips.
"You are moronic, stupid and this may just get you hurt, but tia, I don't want to be apart..... Don't want to break up, I love you and.....aaaah!"
Tun lifted his head back has tia started to thrust, tears fell to Tuns chest, tia then placed his body to Tuns to place his hands to his face to place his lips to his.
"I love you tun, we can make the other happy, trust me, mmm.....I love you...." Tia said between kisses.
Tun rolled his eyes has he went up and down.
Tia, you are so very stupid but.....I am not going to break your heart, you know I'm not good for you, well, let's just run this out, shall we?
The two then made incredible love to fall asleep in the others embrace, happily and contently.

painful friendshipWhere stories live. Discover now